刊登在 Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - 政論分析 - 11 Jun 2016 02:44 - 211
The Ancient Macedonia
After l have seen so many people insulting my country l decided to makethis article where l will state facts to prove that Macedonia is
Macedonia,Solun is Macedonia,Macedonia was never greek.
1.Firstly, lets start with the Ancient Macedonian language.
The Ancient Macedonians had their own language which is connected to thetoday " slavic " language.Around 200 words that we use today date from the ancient Macedonian language.
Those are words like (Bog,Nadez,Toj,Deca,Nashe Ime " ) etc.The famous Roseta stone which was taken by UK from Egypt is now in UK'smuseum.There are 3 different languages written on it. Ancient Egyptian,Macedonian and Greek ). 2 parts of it were easily translated but one
of them ( 2nd ) couldnt be translated so it was named as ancient greek also, untill Macedonian famous historians started translating it and found out that
the 2nd part wasnt connected to ancient greek language.It couldnt be greek because greek sentences were starting from the left while Macedonian from
the right.From the part written on the Ancient Macedonian language up to 18
letters were on a object found under Skopje's Fortress.That object exists for
around 7000 years.
To those who say that Macedonians used greek language to talk l will answeryou : Yes it’s true.Greece was famous for it’s democracy/writers/city-states etc... Greeklanguage was being used so different nations can talk between each other.It was
something like “international”.So my question is why do greek people speak
english abroad or deutchs in Germany or Macedonian in Dojran/Gevgelija when
they need to buy cheap goods or have a cheap sex?
When Alexander III invaded a country ( ada,egypt etc.. ) he used toaccept each of country’s culture and language without forcing them to speak
certain language he even used to wear their unique clothes and celebrate their
own gods.
2.The Friend of Hellas –- When all the greek states ( ada ) had war with Persia,the Macedonian king Alexander I for political reason needed to help Persia against Hellada.Still he also helped to the as with wood needed to make their
battle ships.Because of that he was called Filhelen which means “ Friend of
as”. Why would be he called like that if he was en ? He was also called
“ Barbarian” by Herodot which shows that he couldnt be en.
3.Olympic Games
Many english historians in their books claim that Macedonians had organised the first Olympic game.They weren’t officialy written in the greek documents
because as didn’t have a letter in that time.Filip II joined the greek olympic games but he did that only when heinvaded whole ada Even if you say that Filip II was greek just cause he
joined those games,that is not true.Many influental people in that time joined
the Olympic Games like the Armenian princ Varastades.Even so Macedonians
weren’t allowed to join the Olympic Games. I would like to add few more questions to the previous ones so l can get an answer in the comments section.-
4. Slavic Period When slavs were invading the Balcan they were too many,more than the habitats of the countries.They also entered one country and called it
“Bulgaria” the culture of the country was changed,also the language,religion
and the name of the country.When they entered Macedonia,the country kept it’s
name.The ancient Macedonians hide themselfs on the mountains and most of them
have stayed in the Solun’s Fortress untill it was conquered.The difference
between Macedonia and the other slavic countries is that Macedonia kept it’s
name and all the slavs accepted the religion of Macedonians while Macedonians
accepted the slavic culture and the language but kept some ancient words.Also
many slavs entered the greek territory up to Peloponesse.So if Republic of
Macedonia citizens are lets say 50 % slavs 50 % ancient macedonians then the
same goes for the greek people.It’s normal,nation can’t be 100% pure for more
thousands years.Plus the slavs who entered in Macedonia are described as tall
and blond while not many people in Macedonia look like that.
Today in Tibet there are people who claim that they are Ancient Macedonians, those who stayed there from the Alexander's army and if you try to talk with them you will see that they use many words from the language that is official in Republic Of Macedonia.
Also my dear greek friends you are so pathetic with your texts on lamewebsites like wikipedia in which you state that Alexander III is the unifier of
Hellada ? Thats funny .... Can you explain me how he unified them ? Did he ask
them to do him a favour ? Did he beg them ? Did he pay them ? LOL He killed like 50k greeks in the battle of Chaeronea 338 b.c and destroyed everything,thats not a way to unifycitizents from same nationality, HE INVADED THEM, HE MADE THEM SLAVES.
Keep celebrating as you did when Filip II died :))
After l have seen so many people insulting my country l decided to makethis article where l will state facts to prove that Macedonia is
Macedonia,Solun is Macedonia,Macedonia was never greek.
1.Firstly, lets start with the Ancient Macedonian language.
The Ancient Macedonians had their own language which is connected to thetoday " slavic " language.Around 200 words that we use today date from the ancient Macedonian language.
Those are words like (Bog,Nadez,Toj,Deca,Nashe Ime " ) etc.The famous Roseta stone which was taken by UK from Egypt is now in UK'smuseum.There are 3 different languages written on it. Ancient Egyptian,Macedonian and Greek ). 2 parts of it were easily translated but one
of them ( 2nd ) couldnt be translated so it was named as ancient greek also, untill Macedonian famous historians started translating it and found out that
the 2nd part wasnt connected to ancient greek language.It couldnt be greek because greek sentences were starting from the left while Macedonian from
the right.From the part written on the Ancient Macedonian language up to 18
letters were on a object found under Skopje's Fortress.That object exists for
around 7000 years.
To those who say that Macedonians used greek language to talk l will answeryou : Yes it’s true.Greece was famous for it’s democracy/writers/city-states etc... Greeklanguage was being used so different nations can talk between each other.It was
something like “international”.So my question is why do greek people speak
english abroad or deutchs in Germany or Macedonian in Dojran/Gevgelija when
they need to buy cheap goods or have a cheap sex?
When Alexander III invaded a country ( ada,egypt etc.. ) he used toaccept each of country’s culture and language without forcing them to speak
certain language he even used to wear their unique clothes and celebrate their
own gods.
2.The Friend of Hellas –- When all the greek states ( ada ) had war with Persia,the Macedonian king Alexander I for political reason needed to help Persia against Hellada.Still he also helped to the as with wood needed to make their
battle ships.Because of that he was called Filhelen which means “ Friend of
as”. Why would be he called like that if he was en ? He was also called
“ Barbarian” by Herodot which shows that he couldnt be en.
3.Olympic Games
Many english historians in their books claim that Macedonians had organised the first Olympic game.They weren’t officialy written in the greek documents
because as didn’t have a letter in that time.Filip II joined the greek olympic games but he did that only when heinvaded whole ada Even if you say that Filip II was greek just cause he
joined those games,that is not true.Many influental people in that time joined
the Olympic Games like the Armenian princ Varastades.Even so Macedonians
weren’t allowed to join the Olympic Games. I would like to add few more questions to the previous ones so l can get an answer in the comments section.-
- Why roseta stone after being investigated for short period of time byMacedonian historians was concealed and the access to it for Macedonian
historians was forbiden ? -
How letters from Macedonian ancient language were found underground in Skopje on a object old 7000 years when greek letters didnt exist in that time ?-
Why was Alexander I called “ the friend of helas “ if he was greek ? -
Were the Armenian princ and many other influental people in that time greek just because they joined the olympic games ?
Why Macedonians except Filip II who occupied greece couldnt join the olympic games ?-
Why ancient historians like Herodot call Alexander III a barbarian ?
4. Slavic Period When slavs were invading the Balcan they were too many,more than the habitats of the countries.They also entered one country and called it
“Bulgaria” the culture of the country was changed,also the language,religion
and the name of the country.When they entered Macedonia,the country kept it’s
name.The ancient Macedonians hide themselfs on the mountains and most of them
have stayed in the Solun’s Fortress untill it was conquered.The difference
between Macedonia and the other slavic countries is that Macedonia kept it’s
name and all the slavs accepted the religion of Macedonians while Macedonians
accepted the slavic culture and the language but kept some ancient words.Also
many slavs entered the greek territory up to Peloponesse.So if Republic of
Macedonia citizens are lets say 50 % slavs 50 % ancient macedonians then the
same goes for the greek people.It’s normal,nation can’t be 100% pure for more
thousands years.Plus the slavs who entered in Macedonia are described as tall
and blond while not many people in Macedonia look like that.
Today in Tibet there are people who claim that they are Ancient Macedonians, those who stayed there from the Alexander's army and if you try to talk with them you will see that they use many words from the language that is official in Republic Of Macedonia.
Also my dear greek friends you are so pathetic with your texts on lamewebsites like wikipedia in which you state that Alexander III is the unifier of
Hellada ? Thats funny .... Can you explain me how he unified them ? Did he ask
them to do him a favour ? Did he beg them ? Did he pay them ? LOL He killed like 50k greeks in the battle of Chaeronea 338 b.c and destroyed everything,thats not a way to unifycitizents from same nationality, HE INVADED THEM, HE MADE THEM SLAVES.
Keep celebrating as you did when Filip II died :))
Alexander III King of MacedonASAPD0kt0rMakedonecNumero評論 (211)



The celebration of Alexander III Macedonian by Greeks, would be the same when Jews would celebrate Hitler .o7



Ofcourse they arent Greece... Its southern Serbia. U better visited toilet instead writing of this sort of article.

Macedonia ? never heard of this country XD

I onda je mrmot zavio čokoladu u foliju.





Babo je lepo objasnio.

You re education is a lie-propaganda

@Spartan at least our education taught us that there is a difference between you re and your xD


do not press your luck


Српската пропаганда е разгранет систем за ширење на српското национално чувство, култура, јазик, идеја и влијание меѓу населението во Македонија. Нејзиниот пробив започнува по обединувањето на кнежеството Бугарија и Источна Румелија, ноемвриската војна од 1885 година и засилувањето на Бугарската пропаганда во Македонија.

Macadonia is Kurdish.








Let s respect each other . we know both Macedonia and Greece as civilized countries , dont spoil our mind .



@Puria...One thing is Macedonia ..another one Greece











Such articles shouldn t exist in a game.

70 79 pleas3 rerurn


Hail Macedonia

Lets stop this guys,its just a game.Everybody has his believes.We dont need to argue for that things on a game like this...

The Rosetta Stone is written in two languages Egyptian and Greek, using three writing systems hieroglyphic (used for important or religious documents), demotic (common of Egypt around 200 BC) and Greek (I wonder why).
Check your education.

The middle part was written by the Egyptians on Ancient Macedonian language.The grammar on which was written is pretty similar to the one we use today : making superlativ,pasiv form,especially there are unique characteristics as loosing t on the end of the word ( People in Bitola talk like that ). Also 18 words are found under Skopjes Fotress which exist for around 7000 years ( that time greeks didn t have letters to write )


Such players shouldn t exist in a game












Hail Macedonia


https://www.erevollution.com/tr/newspaper/2561 S / V / C

ay vallayi devrim.


1...... Alexander is greek name ( αλεξ - ανηρ(ανδρος) alex ander ) 2. Fillipus i greek name ... ( φιλ - ιππους fill ipus... friend of horses). The tumb of Fillupus II The Macedon found at Vergina.. and at the casket was foynd a sun and named it VERGINA SUN. Alexander III The Macedon born at Pella... http://www.travel-greece.org/nothern_greece/pella/map.png. Thang you very much. And one last thing... before the dialysis of the Yugoslavia, everybody knew that Macedonia is Greece and this will REMAIN! MACEDONIA WAS NEVER YUGOSLAV.

thats okey petros but your arguments are not good enough cause Pella was territory of Republic of Macedonia untill 1913 when Macedonia was cut on 4 pieces between it s neighbours


Pella was never yugoslavian

Yugoslavia didn t exist before 1913 man

Zappa gelecek




V 142 S 132 And https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/8102



Wow dude you ve been spamming this article for 5 days now.. chil out

Unsubscribe, I already know that Macedonia is not Greece. Who cares that our ancestors were allies or enemies of Troy?

ok, i keep my sub ion s139, sub back


Bravos ! Neka gospod ni ja cuva Makedonija

@Kamasutra this article was forbidden by the goverment thats why l spam it
sorry if l am boring


https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/9586 yeah!!!



@petros2 learn english ---- read the article ----- put some arguments in the comments section 





mng loso...

napisi podobra ako mozes


[pp [j






s190 v197





Interesting... is this new Harry Potter book??
This is gold here, if you get this published i will buy book! Im big fan of good sci-fi

20 days ago
The celebration of Alexander III Macedonian by Greeks, would be the same when Jews would celebrate Hitler .o7
huh, funny huh

still no facts ...

Zajebali ste i Deretića.

Macedonia = Greek... Want Facts? :https://www.erevollution.com/gr/article/10867

copy- paste from wikipedia doesn t count because everyone can post an article on wikipedia

@Sharignan, exactly , no facts.. there is nothing that can connect today makedonci with ancient macedonia. Its much easier to prove that you are Serbs or Bulgars.. Hoces li da pisem na srpskom da me bolje razumes, jer stari makedonski ne znas. All im saying you are more of serb than ancient macedon, and its easy proven in example above. Now you please show us some prove that connect you with Ancient Macedon ?

read the article again the are written prooves even 7000 years ago 

lol funny article

even if this all is truth, it doenst prove that you are decedent of ancient Macedonians, while there is more prof that you are mix of serbs-bulgars.
im not saying you are, but there is more of prof for that, than for your claim to be ancient macedon, or Roman..(as rome+bizant ruled for 1000 y over balkan)
And than oldest form of writing is around 5000y old.

There was a DNK test made also which proves that Macedonians are descendants of Ancient Macedonians + greece lost law process for the name Macedonia
While what prooves that greeks are ancient hellens ? what prooves that you are serb and not half siptar ?

i see buthurt in your words.
All propaganda to make you , our slavic brothers, be someone and something and to have some sort of history. Why dont you claim to be Roman? After all Rome and Byzant ruled over that land longer than Ancient Macedon..

You are just jealous because you can t prove that you were one of the ancient civilizations

my friend , i m not jealous, im proud of being Serb, and serbian history is writen with lots of blood and sacrifice for out freedom and to exist. While people like you are just trying to steal someones identity to feel important. Greatest battle for Makedonija was battle at Kumanovo where Serbs defeated Turks and liberated Vardar area. More serbs died for your country to exist today than so called Makedonians.
So what im to be jelous of ??
Fact that Macedonia (ancient) was greek and you are trying to steal it just because you live in area of stata that was there over 2 milenia ago? By blood, customs, and language you have more similarity s to me and (serbs) than ancient Macedon. So if you really want to be technical about it. So no my friend, im not jelous, im astounded by stupidity of some people and even more amaized how can you, Slav in every way you look, claim to be greek? FYROM (or Makedonia) is young country, young nation, nothing wrong with that. You dont need to prove to be decedent of 8milion years old monkey to be proud of who you are.

Bro you still haven t read the article properly.
Firstly,every language changes after 2k years but we still have some words in use even after 2k years.greek language is changed too so that doesn t mean anything.
- Religion - greeks accepted slav s religion too so what ?
- Most of the customs go together with the religion,also we have customs that are different than the other slav countries.
- By blood there is prove - DNK test that we are Ancient Macedonians
- We don t look like slavs because slavs are mostly tall and blond 

First of all dude, your actual name is Banovina, not Macedonia.Even Kiro Gligorov, your ex-prime minister admitted it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_gjBAhak18
Oh and by the way? Macedonians were having as their own language Greek too.They were a Greek Kingdom and they belonged to the Greek Nation.Not to Slavic as you believe wrongly.But ok, you will find it out one day you know.You will never forgive yourself my friend for being just a victim to a propanda that was made in the 1990 for your internal political reasons.And when you will find that out you will want to start kill your own fake politicians.Do you know that you own politicians will start in the upcoming years leave that agenda and one by one admit that you are not macedonians as they were tellling you all these years? Don t worry guys, you will see it happen.The more you know call you know macedonia, the worst will be in a few years you know for you.Just listen to your Kiro Gligorov.He also said he was sorry for the propanda he had made to you, during the 1990.At least, you have a politician who said he was sorry.

How could Macedonia be greek kindom when Macedonians killed 80 000 greek at the battle of Chaeronea and occupied ancient greece ?
Macedonians didn t speak greek,only some like Phillip,Alexander because they needed it to talk with the other nations.
You speak english,are you american ?
In todays Macedonia there are people who are payed from Bulgaria to talk against us one of them is our ex premier.
Yes l agree bad things will happen soon but not only to us,UK and USA and doing their best to help albania take the terrioties of greece serbia and macedonia and instead of helping each other you and serbia are trying to destroy us.Dont worry albania will take your Epirus too

Yeah and what is Phillip and Alexander mean in ur language?You dont even know,but but but but you are Macedonians..And you want to call ur country Republic of Macedonia..
But im so Proud that countries with no history have chosen to steal mine,there are so many historic nations all over the world and you choose mine.IM SO PROUD TO BE GREEK AND MACEDONIAN!

ChrisGeoRm can you go on your newspaper and stay there?

There are many greeks with name John which is english name,does that mean that greek is englishman ? Its common for people to put modern names to their children nothing new it always used to happen and it will continue to happen.Hellada in that time was country of democracy,laws,writers, it was modern to talk greek as it is now to talk english or deutschs or russian ...

You came to steal my history,and i cant even watch and comment on your newspaper?Thats really funny

Yeah yeah Ιωάννης its and english name....Slavs logic...

Babo is right o/

sharingan i will make you eat your own words using your text