刊登在 Ukraine - 社交娛樂 - 18 Jun 2016 11:56 - 49
I think most of you saw that vist, one of strongest players in eRev got banned today. We can only guess the real reason, might be using automated software. Players accusing him for dealing arround 100-200M of Damage in 1 minute.

It's not entirely vist's fault, we are used to see poor coding and holes in the game.
I'll prove that the fast-damage can be done even without s.cripts or softwares, so he might not be guilty for using automated s.cripts/softwares.
Even so, he still broke the rules by exploiting bugs, i just hope that he get a fair punishment.
Step 1: Right Click at the battle page and press View page source:
Step 2: CTRL+F and search for #battleFight

You will see that unprotected url over there. It does not require SCRIPTS or SOFTWARES to use it, just access the URL and refresh the page if you want to fight.
I strongly advice you to not do that!
If you access that link you will fight without weapons! I won't provide you info to exploit it neither will i.
This article is made to report a BUG, consider that if you try to exploit it you might be punished according to rules, just wait for devs to fix it.
Suggestion for devs: hide that link and add fight protection, it's quite simple, set fight limit every 1-2 second/s.
Some of you might be happy to see him banned, but i'm not.
Friends,Allies,Enemies, we all make the game more interesting, we are a community and more players brings more fun and joy :)
I think most of you saw that vist, one of strongest players in eRev got banned today. We can only guess the real reason, might be using automated software. Players accusing him for dealing arround 100-200M of Damage in 1 minute.

It's not entirely vist's fault, we are used to see poor coding and holes in the game.
I'll prove that the fast-damage can be done even without s.cripts or softwares, so he might not be guilty for using automated s.cripts/softwares.
Even so, he still broke the rules by exploiting bugs, i just hope that he get a fair punishment.
Step 1: Right Click at the battle page and press View page source:

Step 2: CTRL+F and search for #battleFight

You will see that unprotected url over there. It does not require SCRIPTS or SOFTWARES to use it, just access the URL and refresh the page if you want to fight.
I strongly advice you to not do that!
If you access that link you will fight without weapons! I won't provide you info to exploit it neither will i.
This article is made to report a BUG, consider that if you try to exploit it you might be punished according to rules, just wait for devs to fix it.
Suggestion for devs: hide that link and add fight protection, it's quite simple, set fight limit every 1-2 second/s.
Some of you might be happy to see him banned, but i'm not.
Friends,Allies,Enemies, we all make the game more interesting, we are a community and more players brings more fun and joy :)
MarlockAir Hisson2pingsevenGiovanno69CEHATOPOTno0bsailbotStrailko評論 (49)

Hacker vist.

was a good guy, ım sad xd


This has nothing to do with vist case. And if he gets unbaned that means that game just cannot keep rules it makes for players


v well you said at the end... the game needs each of us, we need more for fun and joy

Bug or no matter how do you call it, both requires punishment.

Indeed, he should get the right punishment. I just hope moderators consider all informations for the case.

the right punishement has been indeed dealed here. No subject of discussion

admin should change game from ajax ro angularjs , ajax make bug in this position

I thinks that s enough:|
or not:?

turkey should ask for justice



Well rule is simple and clear, he got what he deserved. If you want to have fun, respect your enemies. We would win the battle if he didn t do that.

pies go jebau! 


i m sad for him too, because, he lost everything cos of a battle... was it worth for this? he HAD TO report this.. not use it.. when we re having 1 hit in 2 seconds, he did lots of... when we talking about fair punishment did he think about fair when hitting? if any other guys used it too, they had to punish too..

Did not read!!!!! 

R.I.P. erevolution for me.

alleluja, sprawiedliwość jest na tym eświecie 

hue hue



Justice has been served. He know he was exploiting the game? Yes he had. So to hell with him. Why he should get unbanned? You bunch of idiots, law is law, and he committed a crime. I wonder what would you say if a Turkish or a French tank used s c r i p t s to fight. Your tears would create a fucking waterfall.

Justice for Turkey wasn t server, they lost the battle cause of vist, still waiting to see how admin will compensate this to Turkey.

go hell visit with your hack programs !!!

Hack and crack


Cheaters dont make the game enjoyable. Make it boring

yes. also there is no CSRF token. security holes every where

Friends,Allies,Enemies, we all make the game more interesting, we are a community and more players brings more fun and joy
well said

Players accusing him for dealing arround 100-200M of Damage in 1 minute.
This is actually not true.

Just one question... From where Know you this ?
You used never? lol...
I don t believe... 
