Опубліковано в державі Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Соціальна взаємодія та розваги - 26 Jun 2016 03:14 - 19
Hi all,
Today I wake up to see that the game has copied another detail from its similar game.

"The players can only use bonuses that their country has, and can no longer travel to another country and produce with its bonuses".
Now why is this idea so bad to be implemented in such an early stage of the game? Just to be clear, I am not saying that it is ok for unorganized countries to use the bonuses of organized and strong countries, but killing small countries is not the right way to fix it.
First of all, you cannot make such a drastic change without having the players' opinion in mind first. Some of us have been planing our moves for a longer period of time. Didnt you announced it in an article that you would make polls for every significant change you plan to make??
We all know where you copied it from, but you should know that most people came from other games here just for having something slightly different. You are going in the wrong direction with implementing ALL the things the other game has implemented. Whats next Combat Order, AirStrike ? Oh no wait, PACKS??? Plato is that you?
And the map is so terrible and not proportional to RL. I dont even want to start explaining why, it has been done by many players, yet it remains the same.
Moreover, smaller countries that have already made some steady production with this change lose a lot. Im not talking about Macedonia only, what about Albania, Uruguay, Bosnia etc. The first thing that will happen in the domino effect of the process - Dying of eRev is players from weaker countries with no bonuses will go to countries with full bonuses, and in that way there will be 2-3 superpowers and nothing else in the game, new players if they come will be greeted by countries with no players in it, no economy, and probably no regions at all.
That also means a decrease in the politics module, and less interesting wars when most small countries get fully deserted. The community will slowly quit and eRev after 5 months of golden age ( i would say that bcoz this game had good first 5 months) will start collapsing. My prediction the game wont survive the summer.
And here is admin's response after a negative reaction from most players to this change:
I sense empty promises.
Today I wake up to see that the game has copied another detail from its similar game.

"The players can only use bonuses that their country has, and can no longer travel to another country and produce with its bonuses".
Now why is this idea so bad to be implemented in such an early stage of the game? Just to be clear, I am not saying that it is ok for unorganized countries to use the bonuses of organized and strong countries, but killing small countries is not the right way to fix it.
First of all, you cannot make such a drastic change without having the players' opinion in mind first. Some of us have been planing our moves for a longer period of time. Didnt you announced it in an article that you would make polls for every significant change you plan to make??

We all know where you copied it from, but you should know that most people came from other games here just for having something slightly different. You are going in the wrong direction with implementing ALL the things the other game has implemented. Whats next Combat Order, AirStrike ? Oh no wait, PACKS??? Plato is that you?

And the map is so terrible and not proportional to RL. I dont even want to start explaining why, it has been done by many players, yet it remains the same.

Moreover, smaller countries that have already made some steady production with this change lose a lot. Im not talking about Macedonia only, what about Albania, Uruguay, Bosnia etc. The first thing that will happen in the domino effect of the process - Dying of eRev is players from weaker countries with no bonuses will go to countries with full bonuses, and in that way there will be 2-3 superpowers and nothing else in the game, new players if they come will be greeted by countries with no players in it, no economy, and probably no regions at all.

That also means a decrease in the politics module, and less interesting wars when most small countries get fully deserted. The community will slowly quit and eRev after 5 months of golden age ( i would say that bcoz this game had good first 5 months) will start collapsing. My prediction the game wont survive the summer.
And here is admin's response after a negative reaction from most players to this change:

I sense empty promises.
AlexanderPistolevКоментарі (19)

Izmena je odlicna!

Vote RIP eRevollution 


Fk admmm

Bad update admins, u are killing the game!

the game is not ready for this update, first change the map than put this update



Bad update admins and whitout inform anyone before!



What needs to change is we need new Admin. This one has lost the plot. Every new update is copy paste from eRep (but than again, this whole game is a blatant copy/paste from eRep). Even some of the weekly events were a blatant verbatim copy paste from other games... (eg. Snowflakes is an event that occurs in another game and it is word for word identical... etc)

Vote !

not good for smaller countries

Can i get my gold back now?...i build tanks and hellis companies knowing that i can produce at full bonuses with only a minor expense(0,6g or 100 energy)...now i can only produce with full bonuses if i change my citizenship, but i joined this game only to help my country so i dont want to change..can Admins please give me all my gold back and take their companies and stick them up their a...s?...

@Hrvat, upravo to i jeste problem, igrica mi sve vise i vise lici na kinesku robu, a ja imam original 95k str D1 ... mozda je i vreme da izadjem tamo iz dvoklika i manim se kineske robe :/