Опубліковано в державі Germany - Перші кроки в eRevollution - 30 Jun 2016 10:17 - 15
What is Paysafecard and how can I use it?
Also Argentina is fixed now.
To find closest location to you please check official website www.paysafecard.com
paysafecard is simple to use
Pay online with paysafecard at online platforms from the worlds of gaming, social media & communities, music, film and entertainment, and many more.
Neither a bank account nor a credit card is needed.
It's simple to use:
1. FIND --- >>> Find your local sales outlet with the search feature.
2. BUY ----- >>> Buy paysafecard there. It is available in these amounts: 10, 25, 50, 75 or 100 GBP/EUR
(at PayPoint, additionally: 125, 150, 175 GBP/EUR)
3. PAY ------- >>> Pay online with paysafecard at thousands of online shops by simply entering
the 16-digit paysafecard PIN.
First you open this : http://www.erevgame.com/
And click on eRevollution gold .
Choose your packet and enter your ID and mail from the game
Now you get window where you put your 16 digit number from ticket yu buy or you can pay with your paysafe account if you open it.
Do not forget mark that you agree with Terms.
After that you will get notification of succsesfull purhace and in next 2 minutes also gold with alert on erevollution.
Here is official link : https://www.paysafecard.com/en-gb/products/paysafecard/
I hope i help you with that, if anyone have any question PM.
Paysafecard is a pre-paid card that plays the part in protecting sensible financial information and it is perfect solution if you do not have a credit card. It is used worldwide and you may buy it in more
than 350 000 outlets.
Countries which have paysafe card :
Also Argentina is fixed now.
To find closest location to you please check official website www.paysafecard.com
paysafecard is simple to use
Pay online with paysafecard at online platforms from the worlds of gaming, social media & communities, music, film and entertainment, and many more.
Neither a bank account nor a credit card is needed.
It's simple to use:
1. FIND --- >>> Find your local sales outlet with the search feature.

(at PayPoint, additionally: 125, 150, 175 GBP/EUR)
3. PAY ------- >>> Pay online with paysafecard at thousands of online shops by simply entering
the 16-digit paysafecard PIN.
First you open this : http://www.erevgame.com/
And click on eRevollution gold .
Choose your packet and enter your ID and mail from the game

Now you get window where you put your 16 digit number from ticket yu buy or you can pay with your paysafe account if you open it.

Do not forget mark that you agree with Terms.
After that you will get notification of succsesfull purhace and in next 2 minutes also gold with alert on erevollution.
Here is official link : https://www.paysafecard.com/en-gb/products/paysafecard/
I hope i help you with that, if anyone have any question PM.
TyraelLoving Pabl0spartan117Коментарі (15)

my Lady



Still didnt got any gold from you 

phantom from me? why me?

Marry me widow


Walen you are a little bit to late ; someone was faster with this question

faster divorce too

Paypal is not allowed in Turkey. So we cannot use paysafecard as well. How are we suppose to purchase gold and updgrade our companies/TG buildings in discount?

you can use gift feature