Опубліковано в державі Poland - Політичні дебати та аналіз - 06 Jul 2016 04:07 - 7

When I first time saw battle of Transdanubia, I thought about it as a "battle like any other one". I didn't thought to participate there.
But suddenly, a message appeared in my inbox:

"We are in trouble"... "We need you"... made by real-life friend.
That time, I felt something like this:

Real-Life or Game Alliance?
I decided to sacrifice my reputation for a sake of a country leaded by a real-life friend...
...and my damage was crucial for this battle. If only my damage has been shown on the opposite side, Turkey would won the battle.
What is the outcome? In both Poland and MDP I immediately become Most hated person ever played the game.
And on the winners side, I went unnoticed, because Croatia took all the glory. :
That makes me doubt about righteousness of my actions.
Yesterday gameEvening, I had a very long discussion with a good man from the continent called "A New World". We spent 3-4 hours talking, asking themselves, laughing, and trying to understand the situation.
I know what I did. I know what I did was bad. I want to take the responsibility for this.
I want to apologize the Mutual Defence Pact alliance for my actions both in Maramures and in Central Transdanubia. Please decide about my fate in this game.
ambruGiovinco69Коментарі (7)


You would be the 2nd most hated lol

Currently I am more hated than Dewisz, so I am first.


Bro, noone has the right to decide your fate unless you decide. You helped the weaker, what is right.

most hated... loled... sorry but everyone who is doing strategie stuff is knowing about the polish hungarian relations and was knowing before the battle what you will do... if he/she didnt know that and was surprised by your action he/she is having the wrong job... tbh i was wondering that you didnt ask me for help too...