Опубліковано в державі Portugal - Соціальна взаємодія та розваги - 09 Aug 2016 06:32 - 40

Day 212
Hello everyone, today is the day I will Impeach myself from Country President of Portugal. Due to personal reasons, I will no longer be Country President of Portugal. I will also not be Vice Supreme Commander of MDP anymore. And I will actually stop playing for some time.
When I first ran for CP, I made a lot of promises. I admit that I was not sure if I would be able to do everything I said I would do. But looking back to it, almost everything was achieved...

Before June, Portugal had not been involved in any war for something like 90 days (yes, 3 months, that was even the reason I had to buy gold to raise my TG level). But this changed soon after I became CP.
Spain had declared war on Mexico. So Portugal, as an ally of Mexico, declared war on Spain. But then, Spain, a UNITY country, joined FAS as well (being in both alliances at the same time) and Venezuela declared war on Portugal.
All of a sudden, the 90 days of peace were no more. And Portugal was faced with a double-front war: The Iberian Front and the South American Front.
Things were not easy at first. The South American Front was very hard due to timezones, with attacks and RW starting and finishing when we were sleeping.
This became a real test for a country who had not seen real action for so much time.
This was the dawn of war for us.
This was our War Era.
We had many difficult fights, and Portugal won many battles by a very thin margin. But in the end, and with a huge support form our allies, Portugal was able to win both the Iberian Front and the South American Front, with Spain signing the Iberian NAP and, one week later, Venezuela signing a NAP with Portugal.
When the war was finished, Portugal had 23 regions. This made Portugal the 6th biggest country of eRevollution. Our players regained an appetite for the game. Many new players joined. And overall, Portugal grew like never before. In one month, Portugal went from 7 core regions to 23 regions in total, tripling its size and gathering many new resources. Some even started calling me "Ancestral, the Conqueror".
But Portuguese war efforts did not end here. Known as a trustworthy ally, Portugal kept helping all its allies. In fact, we are the only country that I have ever seen dealing more damage for an ally battle than the highest damage we have ever dealt in a battle of our own country, with a total of 451M damage dealt for Bulgaria.

Now, it's time to leave.
I leave my country with 100% bonus on food, 80% bonus on weapons and 80% bonus on buildings, which makes us one of the best countries in-game as far as bonuses are concerned.
I leave my country with the healthiest bank account we have ever had, with enough gold to pay for Hospitals, Defense Systems, renting of regions and go through hard times, if they come.
I leave my country with Treaties that ensure our bonuses and can make us win some TP medals (the Northern Atlantic Treaty, the Iberian Treaty and the Atlantic Bridge Treaty).
I leave my country with a good international reputation.
I don't believe in eternal leaders. So now it's time for another person to lead Portugal. All the tools have been gathered.
I would like thank all the people who helped me in the Government. Also, a special thanks to the Portuguese in my MU, LUP, which I saw growing from zero to more than 10B damage during this time. A special thank you for Sucateir0 for trusting me with the position of Captain and also to Alessandra, a "friend" from other projects who accepted to come and join me here.
As for MDP, I would also like to thank ktab and Kinsc for trusting me with my first term as Vice Supreme Commander, Shiro and naki (Izanagi) for trusting me with a second term and Kinyas for the friendship and trusting me with a third term, even if I didn't have enough time to fully complete my duties. I met a lot of awesome people, including Emerodh, who I will forever enjoy to troll. I thank all of the people I met for the general friendship, laughs and good times.

Farewell my friends. Enjoy the game.
My best regards to everyone

KinyasTHE J0KERno0bsailbotTricky DickLoving Pabl0Ryuko MatoiGranikusThe Last Lynx PardinusT O R E T T OThe Last Lynx PardinusThe Last Lynx PardinushenriqueporКоментарі (40)


good luck bro waiting portugal airstike on georgia when you return

Finally, another 12-year old leaving, no more random reports on all wall! o7 farewell!

@Giga: we already conquered Georgia
@Antimon: still hurt? Sorry babe 


Good luck o7

Remember we met since i become cp for the first time. You and i started to make an arrangement about portugal defence system if i remember true. Those days you and i made a great way to make two countries bounded. After we built mdp together and you were there with us... together we changed something in world. Of course we were trusted you and we will. You are a worthy friend and an awesome VSC. Special thanks to you for everything you have done. When you find a time just come back and do the best for your country. Best wishes brother.

From Cuba, our regards n best wishes! RL is more important, hope to see you back!

i only hope the next Portugal leader still have a good sense of humor in darkness times not like this Ancestral Fuc.!..eh?,wait a sec...Public relations?...ah!. /+/rest as you want, fix what you need fix and come back, i need your a*s in Canada ♥. /+/ Si no regresas me veré en la necesidad de borrar a Portugal x).

Good luck in RL o7

good luck my friend o7

Hope you comeback one day
, best wishes!


Don t be away for too long, we re waiting you bro! o7

Espero que voltes, Portugal precisa de jogadores como tu

Good luck

O Captain! My Captain!
Acho que não vou aguentar as saudades.

Farewell my friend, All the best for you o/

one of the best guys out there. Respect o7

Até mais. o7

Stop living real life and leave your family at last, game needs you !

tudo de bom e muita força

Apenas com semanas de contacto reconheço o esforço e dedicação de um grande lider. Abc! o7

hi .. I m A Pussy Cat !!


hi .. I m A Pussy Cat !!

Boa sorte e que volte logo, Ancestral. Abraços.


Good enemy, good person, good luck my friend!

Boa sorte! o7


I will drink for that,tonight!


good luck o7

Good luck! Cheers!

Thank you all for the support and kind words, both here and in the messages. Good luck to all of you and I hope to see you in the future, when I come back! o7

V c