Опубліковано в державі Serbia - Соціальна взаємодія та розваги - 12 Aug 2016 11:54 - 35
I am writing this article because I am sick of this. I am tired of seeing Serbia fighting alone. I am sick of this union MDP, and I WANT BULGARIA BACK TO THE UNITY !!!
Serbia, do you think that Bulgaria is a traitor country? Maybe all of the members of UNITY thinks the same. You are not right. You can't see the things from our view point, of course. That's why I want to tell you the truth.
Bulgarians DIDN'T WANT to leave UNITY. Our president wanted it. Now you maybe will say "So why don't you leave MDP?". Well, I want, and maybe almost all of bulgarians want it. But the problem is that in MDP we are better financially. In MDP we are not in threat and our economy is raising. I don't want to say that Serbia or Croatia are not threats, but you see how ed is the system now - all countries out of the UNITY are against you. You are powerful, but nobody can beat so many countries at the same time...
So let's come back just a little bit back in the time. Do you remember when we left UNITY? Maybe you still want to know why we left it, and joined MDP? Probably you are angry with us but I will tell you - if we didn't join MDP, we were going to be at your place - the whole MDP was about to attack us and we were going to be deleted really fast. With this reason and with some other personal reasons, our president decided to do this.
But now I am sick! I am tired of watching Serbia fighting with so many enemies, and I want Bulgaria OUT OF THIS UNION. I want we to fight arm in arm next to you, brothers. Because you are this for me - brothers! You watch the fights and thinking that we hate you but no. You know who can make the wars and the battles. The rest of bulgarians just don't give a about any country, and they are fighting only for bulgarian battles, because of the medals.. After our joining in MDP one really strong bulgarian already left Bulgaria and moved to Serbia to fight for you. I would do it too but who gives a about my low dmg :D..
Maybe we will be worse financially in the unity or we will be attacked of some stronger countries at the same time, but I want Bulgaria back in UNITY, so we can fight with them together. Because BALKANS = BROTHERS.

Serbia, do you think that Bulgaria is a traitor country? Maybe all of the members of UNITY thinks the same. You are not right. You can't see the things from our view point, of course. That's why I want to tell you the truth.
Bulgarians DIDN'T WANT to leave UNITY. Our president wanted it. Now you maybe will say "So why don't you leave MDP?". Well, I want, and maybe almost all of bulgarians want it. But the problem is that in MDP we are better financially. In MDP we are not in threat and our economy is raising. I don't want to say that Serbia or Croatia are not threats, but you see how ed is the system now - all countries out of the UNITY are against you. You are powerful, but nobody can beat so many countries at the same time...
So let's come back just a little bit back in the time. Do you remember when we left UNITY? Maybe you still want to know why we left it, and joined MDP? Probably you are angry with us but I will tell you - if we didn't join MDP, we were going to be at your place - the whole MDP was about to attack us and we were going to be deleted really fast. With this reason and with some other personal reasons, our president decided to do this.
But now I am sick! I am tired of watching Serbia fighting with so many enemies, and I want Bulgaria OUT OF THIS UNION. I want we to fight arm in arm next to you, brothers. Because you are this for me - brothers! You watch the fights and thinking that we hate you but no. You know who can make the wars and the battles. The rest of bulgarians just don't give a about any country, and they are fighting only for bulgarian battles, because of the medals.. After our joining in MDP one really strong bulgarian already left Bulgaria and moved to Serbia to fight for you. I would do it too but who gives a about my low dmg :D..
Maybe we will be worse financially in the unity or we will be attacked of some stronger countries at the same time, but I want Bulgaria back in UNITY, so we can fight with them together. Because BALKANS = BROTHERS.

Biskvite sisaj kuracceca_79Коментарі (35)





guys that is a game you should not be afraid to be deleted or loose a war. main is to be right to act right. do not betray friend s and so on after years when remind what you did and how acted should not be shame of it. everyone can understand a reasons but actually that you did is called traitorness
and bulgaria becomes cowered country if he were afraid of that mdp and joined them. about 4 monthes ago ex eagle countrys were in same situation. france-greece-turkey and georgia was fighting against hole world. an we of course loose. france lost his hospital. greece it cores and turkey even deleted. but does any of us changed a side?
japan was offering so many present s and previlegs to let them keep turkey deleted you can not imigine. if georgia agreed it will have almost every resourses in russia and china. but he have an honour we have a historical friend s and we will never denounce them until they do first and that is right. not single georgian will be shame to remind past till today. but if that is right and that is bulgaria s reasons it becomes not only traitor but cowered country for me
who get afraid by enemys and betraid friends

I am not afraid to be deleted of the map temporarily. But I am not a president, or any politician here, so my vote and the vote of other bulgarians thinking like me is = 0...

Mate if your people was thinking the same as you then your traitor-in-chief would not have been elected, let alone re-elected.

lol i remember when Bulgaria was deleted at day 16 yeah i remember i was vMoFA back then i remember what happend in the irc channel and how they changed the prio in tha last minute and BG lost Ruse and how much they helped us after that and after more than 60 days i had to beg serbians to come and help us and now ou are talking this omg just leave the game please leave it and dont come back

First of all you are just a (small) player and fighter, not even having a function in Government at least. That means, Gadorra, you have an opinion about this subject but you do not have Bulgaria s (as whole nation) opinion about this matter. So saying things like - and maybe almost all of bulgarians think like me - is just bs ... If it would be true, your country would be in a different situation diplomatically speaking. Bulgaria having a better economy with in MDP is true but that was not the reason your country left unity, so you might want to inform yourself better about this. But if you do love Serbia so much and think Bulgaria should fight alongside them, well is your choice. Also you can join their Cs and help them fight against their enemys, that would be more useful than writing an article about your opinion. cheers

Vtoro but when you begged mkd to come we were there on most rw s
And in early game is not an easy thing to organise 20+ players to spend 0.6 gold and to move.
Luckily you only remember what you need to make you feel better after what you did.

Сад ћу се усрати...

go home you re drunk


Well I am Bulgarian player and I play for much longer than Gadorra, and I definetely have no desire go back in UNITY.

BALKANS= BROTHERS ??? Really ...LOL so you are saying greeks are brothers with noname country....albanians brothers with serbians and so on ....thats funny....1 question...do you even live in Balkans??

Mate if all Bulgarians thought the same way then person you call Traitor would have been elected +1 @Bikkin before pointing fingers you should start by getting more information. Otherwise I think this just some another normal UNITY propaganda article

Nobody stop you to fight for serbia.

fake, Bulgaria is traitor, no mercy.

Bulgaria deserves to be deleted first, then we can discuss changing aliances . The sad part is you going to get deleted anyway , but instead getting deleted and being a traitor u could have been deleted in an honorable way and not leaving ur allies

fake, Bulgaria is traitor, no mercy. x2

So... balkan countries such as FYROM make propaganda against MDP for wiping countries and suddenly all I see here is people from FYROM asking to get Bulgaria deleted xD OH THE HYPOCRISY.

why in every game bulgaria is traitor 

Unfortenately in most of the games bulgarians(or their goverments) are afreid of to be deleted and play double game.Here and in esim im disapointed,never ready to enter alone vs the world,prefer to change sides where they can benefit more.Thats not cool.This game is not only goal to gain new regions or to save your regions,this game is about showing balls,big balls and to be ready to burn for your allies,not only when everything go well but when situation go down.

nie sme bratq i ne iskame voina,CP e predatel

The truth is that the reason why Serbia and Croatia are almost deleted is Bulgaria( to be more correct Jus7LeTHaL ) The truth is that you choose bonuses and safety over your friends and BACKSTABBED Unity...Even if you want to go back to Unity do you think we will accept cheap slut in our alliance?

#BlameLeTHaL #BlameBulgaria

Bro no one care for your low dmg? That is what you need to change example when Canada see some dmg from ally we remember that and give dmg back maybe we can t do a lot dmg but we fight... o7

Jus7LeTHaL if Bulgaria stayed in Unity none of this would happen, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, BIH and Macedonia against France, Iran, Turkey, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Romania, Poland... its obvious we dont have a chance with Bulgaria on the other side. But who needs friends when you have bonuses right...

Kosovo je Kosovo!

If you call planning to backstab me in team with a country we lead war at the very same moment friends you have very different understand of the mean of this word

That moment...when you dont see the white ban on the bulgarian flag... x)

I cant accept this behavior. Changing side and backstubb former friends only to avoid being deleted or to have 1-2 more bonuses. This type of online games (multiplayer social games) bonuses are nothing. You can produce a few more tanks and you can earn a little much money, but for why? The most valuable thing in this game is fighting for your friends and teammates (in your country and abroad too).
Now, Hungary is deleted and probably will stay deleted for a while, but who cares? We will not accept shitty NAPs and we will not backstubb our friends in Unity, who fought us hard when we were in a bad situation. Bulgaria did this. Bulgaria help every day to delete Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, etc. who fought for you when you were under greek, romanian, turkish suppression. And this is a shame.
But you can change. Bulgarian people, who cant accept this kind of leadership, dont have to follow your traitor leaders. You can fight for serbia, if you want. Or you can change your leaders.