Опубліковано в державі France - Перші кроки в eRevollution - 03 Oct 2016 03:03 - 2
o guys! Here goes a quick article focused on the recent event: the lucky game.
After some research i found a small explanation somewhere in the interwebs that said:
"You spin the wheel till you get to step 4 ( second box ). There you can stop and take rewards from second box by clicking stop or continue and spit it more. If you get to 6th step ( third box ), you can also stop by clicking stop there and take rewards from third box, or risk even more to get to the 4th box (8th step). If you fail along the way, you will get a reward from first box."
What I understood from it is that you spin the weel until it gets to step 4, which is the second box and gives better rewards. There you can stop or continue, risking winning only level 1 rewards but if youre lucky you can get to box 3 and so on.
Nothing special just trying to help with some doubts I Saw out there :-P
erevollution-france.forumactif.org/t210-14-02-lucky-game thanks to the guys at this fórum for the info!
After some research i found a small explanation somewhere in the interwebs that said:
"You spin the wheel till you get to step 4 ( second box ). There you can stop and take rewards from second box by clicking stop or continue and spit it more. If you get to 6th step ( third box ), you can also stop by clicking stop there and take rewards from third box, or risk even more to get to the 4th box (8th step). If you fail along the way, you will get a reward from first box."
What I understood from it is that you spin the weel until it gets to step 4, which is the second box and gives better rewards. There you can stop or continue, risking winning only level 1 rewards but if youre lucky you can get to box 3 and so on.
Nothing special just trying to help with some doubts I Saw out there :-P
erevollution-france.forumactif.org/t210-14-02-lucky-game thanks to the guys at this fórum for the info!
girao518Коментарі (2)

Não sabes quantas vezes podemos fazer ou se custa alguma coisa?

1 token custa 5 gold na loja
precisas de tokens para fazer!