Опубліковано в державі Lithuania - Військова аналітика - 12 Oct 2016 12:58 - 59

Hello everyone!
Well, after the last battle, I felt in the need of writting this article to explain somethings. In recent days somethings that I absolutely never expected to happen just happened. When French moved to Russia, Invictus representatives called us to meeting and well, the proposal was very clear: Lithuania give back the 2 regions we held from Russia. Of course it wasn´t good for us and after talking to country and alliance I rejected the deal.
By coincidence, the MPP with Germany was ending few days after the meeting and there´s where the circus started. Germany simply didn´t want to renew it unless we find a solution with Russia. Yes, the country that we have supported since they rised, fighting in every single battle with them, helping in every plan we could, simply didn´t want to MPP us. But ok, it was only MPP... In the next day, another surprise, Spain, another ally, voted down a MPP with Lithuania (Impressive 12 NOs and 0 YES). I honestly was not believing on what happened. I have fought and defended these guys every time, and I made many enemies because of them. Probably many of you reading this article someday disliked me or still dislike because my words defending them. Lithuania never left a single ally alone, and when we most needed we got a knife at our back. Few days later I just discovered that Invictus HQ have ordered their members to MPP Russia.
We lost a important battle in Kaliningrad by people who we someday called friends. For my surprise, Romania, a MDP member who have MPP with us since first day of game sent a impressive help to our battle without I even ask. Thank you Romania for showing what true ally means! Even we were in different sides, you came to our aid without thinking twice.

Here we come to Southern Finland battle, a battle that Lithuania will never forget. The biggest battle our country even involved. We will not forget any of you who sent help to us. After so many RWs and battles fighting alone, Lithuania wasn´t able to do much damage, but tonight we saw we are not alone. Thanks for fighting guys! Thanks for sending help, even countries that were not our allies till this battle like Turkey (We are really glad and grateful for your help, Turkey!). It´s time for Lithuania renew our diplomacy and forein policy, the lesson was learned and the winds are changing.

THANK YOU GEORGIA, for being with us since the first day, for never letting Lithuania alone, for being our brothers. You guys rock!!
batafly5BlackfuryMengrelianAravchamotpuriNamejsThomas GreenEl Tito HelamanDoc4geouuuuuASAPКоментарі (59)

Changes are coming 



Hail friendship o7

bro o7



o7 Hail Friendship!

Germoney serbs will mess up your country 


Hail friendship o7


o7 hail friends 

GG Germany...oh i think the evil MDP make this! (hue).

Walen, I mean no offense to you, but you chose your EGO and not your allies. The people that are willing to see beyond their nose, sees that you are ready to sell your allies and your friends to MDP, just for 2 nasty regions that belonged to Russia and you did not want to give them back. It was simple, it was easy, it was good for all the anti-MDP countries, but your EGO weights more than allies and friendships. So, I beg you, to follow your path to MDP s arms (the path that you chose before Germany rejected the MPP with you), but do not come here to play the victim, because you are not a victim. You are someone very selfish. who is ready to sleep with the devil for getting revenge. Germany did the best that they could, they spoke to you, made a meeting and tried to explain you all the situation. But Germany and Invictus cannot take a crap on themselves just because Lithuania wanted 2 Russian regions and didn t care a bit about the diplomatic and geopolitical consequences of this.
Now, you can go and sleep in Turkey s bed tonight, but remember, MDP is the biggest alliance right now. They can do whatever they want and not loose anything, because of the advantage they have. Instead, Invictus is a smaller, but brave alliance, that will be sabotaged by Kebab s poisonous tongues on every step they take and right now, you are just a pawn in your chess game. A pawn that is making them a huge favor.
Morior Invictus!

But Germany and Invictus cannot take a crap on themselves just because Lithuania wanted 2 Russian regions and didn t care a bit about the diplomatic and geopolitical consequences of this. Sounds just like the argument Brazil used to delete South American countries :p

Oh u have done so honorable thing... Joining stronger side... xD

Lol... it´s funny how you resumed everything in my ego. Invictus try almost force us to give up 2 regions that means a lot for our economy and u want me to give flowers to you? Please... you clearly don´t know what ally means. Russia said that after taking back 2 regions from us they would go for Ukraine and Georgia, OUR ALLIES, do u think that Im going to give way for my allies get attacked? No, that´s not what a ally does. Germany didn´t anything. After I rejected the deal you guys hit for Russia in Kaliningrad and rejected a MPP offer. Yes... Walen ego to don´t sign a deal that gets out 50% of Lithuanian weapon bonus, Walen ego to don´t support Germany anymore after getting backstabbed in battle and order whole Invictus to MPP Russia. I see the brave alliance u guys have. An alliance that throws their friends to the corner because VISA damage. Oh and let me be more clear, since for you I have to draw to understand. I´ll put my friends in United Kingdom, and they will ask Scotland back from you. Hope you accept get your economy f*ked, after all: it´s better for geopolitic situation, huh?

o7 hail 9mil

We are stronger together! Hail Lithuania! Hail Eclipse!

Good job Walen, those arguments of yours are indisputable and right.

o7 mates!

I am sorry if Ireland doesn t appeared on the top 10 but 110M damages was really too high for us :s

Luke Grenier,
one finger is nothing, but five fingers are a fist!o7

Vot o/

You can always run your factories in Germany (:

Start to defend yourself before talk about your allies please.


Hail Friendship o7

K u r o g a n e there is no russia in this game you are mistaken

You are going down


Every country who was chased away by Serbia suddenly becomes Turkey s pawn. Well Serbia, find something else to cry please.

Too bad that you did not have the patience to talk with russians. There are lots of bonuses up there for all. And keep Russia in existance as they would like. But these bonuses are exploited by MDP and you all fight over the remains of this exploit. Instead of become like one and kick them out of there. In time they will come and get the remains also, when they use you like they did with fyrom to fight their battles, and you will be too weak to resist them. Then you would wish you have fought that battle but it will be too late. With all the respect o7

As I said to Kurogane, and I´ll repeat to you ktab. Just put yourself in our position. Simulate it: I´ll put my friends in United Kingdom, and they will ask Scotland back from you. Lithuania will try force you to accept that, even if you are our ally and your economy will get completely destroyed.


That s how INVICTUS is losing another country, so they can cry about the balance 

I m really sorry for this as a German citizen


Lol few weeks ago you said MDP sent french in Russia to duck up our business and now you say Invictus sent french in Russia to duck up our business... This is just ridiculous.. We are only few players bored of the game that wanted to start a new adventure in Russia just to have FUN. We dont care about any type of diplomacy our former country has and if we had care we would have join MDP like you are just doing

Votka! Votka! Votka! Lithuania sucks

Vincibabe, I never said anything of that, are you crazy? im not complaining on Russia, I dont care for whoever is there or what u guys are doing, this article is about a former ally, lol....

I just want to add that Germany gov is have to give me and Shisui in past like around 3K gold together, but they refuse do it. You can t believe too much on Germany gov. Without our help and invest of past Yakuza-Klinge members and Kaiserin Rory, this country was nothing. The good people of Germany needs to wake up before it too late.

Hail friendship

Hail Friendship and Hail Loayality, all traitors and rats suck!!!

o7 hail friends!




o7 hail me