Опубліковано в державі Albania - Соціальна взаємодія та розваги - 21 Nov 2016 12:57 - 60
Hi all eRevollution players from Prishtina/KOSOVO
Firstly RiP Murat again, today i was at his namaz afternoon, cos of this i couldnt fight at battle. we'll miss you Murat..
Secondly, i always feel sad when fighting against Bosnia, at rl i always love Bosnia, and Bosnians.. Respect you.. its so sad to see you with Servians..
Thirdly, Thanks to everyone for this great battle..

PS: Last time when i wrote article about KOSOVO, Phantom was crying to admins. But i always see him when commenting at another articles. i think rules are changed, or it works different for Servians ;)
Firstly RiP Murat again, today i was at his namaz afternoon, cos of this i couldnt fight at battle. we'll miss you Murat..
Secondly, i always feel sad when fighting against Bosnia, at rl i always love Bosnia, and Bosnians.. Respect you.. its so sad to see you with Servians..
Thirdly, Thanks to everyone for this great battle..

CimenBatuThe KingGrey Windarian72J o k e rDoomtouchableTomiALBArabStallionno0bsailbotERLIND1ERLIND1ERLIND1ERLIND1ERLIND1ERLIND1ERLIND1Baba VossATEHTATOPOTProduktProduktProduktProduktALBANIA ARMYRoniALBКоментарі (60)

Hail Kosovo Republic o/

Hail Kosovo Republic o/

Hail Kosovo Republic o/

Hail Kosovo Republic o/

Hail Kosovo Republic o/

Hail Kosovo Republic o/


Hail Kosovo Republic o/

Hail Kosovo Republic o7

Hail Kosovo Republic o/

Hail Kosovo o/

Hail kosovo 

Hail Kosovo Republic o/

Kosovo Republik, daj piće cijela kafana na mene! Good battle o7

Hail Kosovo Republic o/

https://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/shiny/32/Kosovo.png https://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/shiny/64/Kosovo.png

http://prntscr.com/da54g4 and keep crying like fyrom is crying for Macedonia 

Hail Kosovo Republic o/

Hail Kosovo Republic o7

Hail Kosovo Republic o/

Phantom call your friends and report to admin article

hahahaahahahahahahahahahaha kosovo hahahahahahahah

all of us laughing here @Phantom, i dont see anyone crying, except u n servians

@phantom986- You mean that http://prnt.sc/da5bqg

Hail PKK

Hail Kosovo Republic o/


where you see crying? stop using word crying when you are out of arguments.

Otoringo Gjilan/ Kosova Hail Kosovo Republic o/

Hail Kosovo Republic o/

Hail Kosovo

Hail Kosovo

Hail Albania

Hail Kurdistan o7

Hail KOSOVA o7

evo administratori, ovi uporno vredjau srpski nacionalni identitet. Ako ste mogli zabraniti pricu oko ataturka, onda i svaka prica oko Srpske svetinje treba da se zabrani.

Supporting terrorit and trying to be funny ahahahah pathetic u guys trying to be funny but everybody saw your little brains xd

Hail Kosovo Republic o/

@TopSecret, we talk about game here, not rl life.. is there anything about Ataturk in game? no... is there anything about Servia in game? yes... if admins #RemoveSerbia from game, then i wont talk about Servia
n also, why r u crying to admins in Servian? why not in English?

We revived Murat haha..
Good fight o/


Hail Kosovo Republic o/

@Murat, Welcome back my brother


Kosovo je Srbija


Time to cut some analbanian throats again :/

Kosovo je Srbija

@romy, you are funny little guy arnt you? First everything in this game is connected to RL, And if its not, why are you bringing RL stuff in this article while claiming its nothing to do with RL? Few days ago you said in one comment that you always speak truth, so i asked you simple question that you cant/wont answer truthfully and i said that you will avoid it as it turned out you did..so much about you and your truth. And reason why i wrote in Serbian is simple... because i can, sue me o7

Најјадније ми је од свега , кад видим браћу Македонце...да ово подржавају..
а они имају још већи проблем са Шиптаријом од нас ...срамота....

Hail Kosovo Republic o/

Hail Kosovo Republic o/

Who cares about Kosovo?

Who cares about Kosovo? x2
Gledaj svoj tor i dvoriste!

Sad ajde ko ce ...sa Kosova zora svice ..ajde nastavljaj 

Kosovo was not, is not, and never will be Serbia o7

Kosovo je u trenerkama