Опубліковано в державі Albania - Соціальна взаємодія та розваги - 23 Nov 2016 00:04 - 8

Коментарі (8)


You Southern Slavs also have much Illyrian blood coursing through veins? Why to be snide then?

@bikkin - You re right ofc. Even more so than the ones claiming the whole blood vial for themselves. But that s the thing..I don t mind that the part of the joke is on me, even if it s my own.

Ma Car si BRATE !!!!!

http://prntscr.com/daqd50 u ll love it @demiurge

Demiurge.king of fun.exagerate sometimes of course but otherwise you are funniest guy around.

Listen e dasmes nje nga nje.