Опубліковано в державі Georgia - Соціальна взаємодія та розваги - 22 Dec 2016 15:09 - 30

AREA 51 | Dec 22, 2016. | day 347 | Int edition | no 37
Dear readers,
today I present you some statistics of eRevolution world that are done with tool I made that can be useful to many of you. This tool is called eSTATS and probably some of you heard about it.
I analysed all countries in this game and this is results on day 347 (Dec 22, 2016.) and it turns out there is 65862 total registered players and only 6506 are active ones, also there are 9749 banned players in total.
- Countries with most players are Turkey with 7523 total players (481 active), Georgia with 5965 total players (473 active) and Iran with 4995 total players (402 active),
- Countries with least players are Singapore with 61 players (4 active) and Nigeria with 64 players (2 active),
- Countries with most banned players are Iran with 1020, Turkey with 1010 banned players and Serbia with 936 banned players,
- Countries with most banned relative to total lation are Pakistan with 53% banned players folowed by New Zealand and Malaysia with 38% banned players.
* Active players are those that are not banned and with activity in last 10 days. Players are counted by ingame citizenship.

eSTATS is tool for eRev that enables you to get info from the game using official API. On this page you can find all active battles in one place with current wall and time left; country stats with active lation and players sorted by strength, level, rank; daily orders of all military units of each country; latest country laws of each country; communication channels of each country (Discord and IRC) so as really cool damage calculator.
For military units commanders we have also eStats pro that gives you even more options:
- customizable application form with calculations of potential damage of applicants and log of all past applications,
- damage history of your military unit (where each of soldiers fought and how much, also total of mu for each battle),
- details about when each battle, including RW started (can be sorted by each country), so you know when you can start next RW,
- latest country laws of all countries in one page (with current result),
- data about each country citizens, sorted by id, strength, level, inactivity days, bann, party, mu),
- much more
Also my friend Nimesin made Discord bot that has many powerful options such as list all active battle ids; show info about specific battle; show detailed information for erev nick or ID; show new laws or events for specific country and much more.

If you're interested contact me on Discord channel.
by Ahileus

PANZER stronKVucicu PederuBattleHeroTaTa RaTa3AKOBAH HA TABAHnakituminayashiCaptain HarlockAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralYamamotoGAME OVERTarsiPanzer AceSKynet00NinchutaassecohomersimpsonBoraxShiroopsyenZE BUNDAEReJSAjkeNSKynet00vratarxNino19SenyorpirotecncicTricky DickDa VinciPolarB34rPolarB34rMiltiadosEl ProfesorКоментарі (30)

[Area 51] eSTATS: Active players by countries || https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/20176

Kako si nas cenzurisao
Give this man a cookies o7

no Turkey in top?



Was mistake, edited.

Well done o7

u r no1 journalist ... keep up the good work

pirinc o7

good luck voted 

riblji paprikas o7

argentina play dirty

ePortugal: the country with the lowest percentage of banned players in eRev.



mozes spomenuti i mog bota

o7 . v


eStats Pro is approved by Green Berets so any serious MU need to have it. Mortarion has spoken.


Great tool, and great support by Ahileus! Made our lives much easier at OFC o7

Dobar posao o7

odkada si otisao iz Hr clanci su ti onak malo izgubili na atraktivnosti
. Ako hoces iskreno.

Lol 1k banned turkey and iran, seems like the cousins went into mayhem

Nino +1
Ahi svaka čast 


Great tool man o/