Опубліковано в державі Iran - Соціальна взаємодія та розваги - 17 Jan 2017 14:29 - 108
Greetings citizens of eRevollution,
Today i will present you most of our members and some of our honorary members.
- Commander and founder of Green Berets:
* Responsible for economy and organization. Also Patriarch of Iranian Orthodox church.
* Resting after heavy fight in organized hit.
- Commander and founder of Green Berets:
* Responsible for organization,recruitment and diplomacy. Also bell ringer in our church.
- Captain in Green Berets:
* Responsible for ........ ...... .
- Captain in Green Berets:
* Responsible for security and tech support.
- Operations Sergeant in Green Berets:
* Responsible for tech support.
- Master Sergeant in Green Berets.
- Master Sergeant in Green Berets:
* Very responsible.
- Master Sergeant in Green Berets:
* Responsible for banana supply.
- Master Sergeant in Green Berets.
- Adjutant of Green Berets command:
* Responsible for correspondence.
- Corporal in Green Berets:
* Responsible for loaning gold ( from other ppl ofc ).
- Corporal in Green Berets:
* Responsible for psychotherapy of our members.
- Corporal in Green Berets:
* Responsible for farsi translating.
- Private in Green Berets:
* Responsible for posting weird pictures of cats and dogs.
- Private in Green Berets.
- Private in Green Berets:
* Responsible for sh*tposting and singing.
- Private in Green Berets.
* Responsible for pravoslavlje in MU.
- Private in Green Berets:
* Responsible for strategy and spam.
- Private in Green Berets:
* No Djani no party.
- Private in Green Berets.
- Private in Green Berets.
- no0bsailbot The Iron Prime Minister of Iran and our brother.
- Amir ex CP of Iran and one of first Iranians which we met. Our old friend and brother.
* Responsible for medical care of Green Berets.
- rezaderaz eternal MoD of Iran our old friend and brother.
- Ancestral founder and ex CP of Portugal our bro and b*tch.
* Responsible for under table service for Green Beret HQ.
- Tancred ex MoD and CP of USA our old friend and brother.
AjkeNPalmerPANZER stronKarjansepoysepoyAncestralRyuko MatoiMiltiadosKorgothGropiusnakituminayashiTovarDanteJoker EvilTHE ONEThe RedDiamond LadyMrBl3ndrezaderazTony SopranoAmirHulkinggiovinco10eVokasiTHEGUYYasharCao bok zdravono0bsailbotno0bsailbotno0bsailbotno0bsailbotI am doneI am doneI am doneI am doneAphianZamorskiZE BUNDAAgoriadesmondmilesCp reza sparrowBug_ptКоментарі (108)
【Green Berets】RL pictures of our awesomeness : https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/21709
More painful now
whyyyy ![Sad](/public/game/smilies/2.gif)
hahaha nice one! hail Green Berets
A ja kad dam sliku sa devojkama onda ne moze? Dobro dobro...
Da da pravda za spamera!
We are awesome!
Nema obor kneza, nema vote o/
very nice
v Nice crew o7
Responsible fans o7
pravda za krstu
nice, keep it up
Awesome! o7
comment the article and show some support :stuck_out_tongue: -Ancestral™
*Responsible of silence ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Something that never happened in GB ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
Ancestral is such beast! Would bang 10/10
i couldnt find kinyas tho
The patriarch blesses this article ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
Voted o/
Make a meet the Spaniards
Is this a presentation of the thiefs who robbed Japanese treasure to build industry on their accounts? What had Japan of your greatness? Thanks to you it s just a mediocre country in the game. After that, the same player was a manager of Serbia. Thanks to his successful actions, Serbia was deleted. And now, you are trying to sell us the story about your greatness? Pathetic, indeed.
@Levi: lol que grande aziado... É que só te vejo a queixares-te em todo o lado sobre tudo e mais alguma coisa... Nada contra ti, mas fdç... ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
The Emperor protects o7
The Emperor protects Macharius o/
Look at me. Look me clearly Levi. I am your worst nightmare. And now. Run.
Levi and you are ?
Djani ružan kao kurac hahhahaa
*_* ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
Matorina brate pa ne mozemo svi bit kao ti zgodni i debeli
Vote... @Ancestral why you pose like that?
no female player? xD
We have female players but they refused to give pictures ![Cheeky](/public/game/smilies/9.gif)
Much awesome, such wow, very cool
@Fingolfin: I dont know... I was drunk xD
Ancestral you, weird dude xD
Taktik maktik yok bam bam bam :d
Shiro you use that pic everywhere mate I am starting to believe you paid those girls to get that pic. :rolling eyes:
07 ![Smile](/public/game/smilies/1.gif)
@Kinyas i have better one but its not for article what to do,blame admins
Đani još malo te brate pusti i bićeš pravi Četnik, vodimo te na Ravnu Goru
CWIX likes tree, leaves and wood
greenpeace member
very awesome.congrat shiro.o7
به شماره 9 بگید درخت زبون بسته رو ول کنه
@Magnus, Levi is someone who knows the truth about them @eVokasi, I know about you. The worst CP of eSerbia, you win the elections thanks to great promises. And what you achieved? Serbia was erased and humiliated, you expelled your political opponent Batasha from the game thanks to help your friend and mentor, ban master, supermoderator Phantom. This Batasha, at least understand how to play the game, you are good only to build companies on your account. After all, all of you was friends of moderators and Admins, you used their protection (allow you to brake the rules) and their services in the game (sharing informations about other players). I have nothing good to say about your kind of players, you are always looking for some extra privileges, although you don t deserve any of them.
Nice article .. Thank you my brother o7
@Levi : http://prntscr.com/dx3pxu shhhhh
Mortarion, shut the fvck up...here i give you
@Levi you dont know nothing i can see it now from your comment, enjoy game and go away from this article o7
Levi, I have no one company on my acc. LOOOOOOOL U really know nothing ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
here for you two...
tnx komeng ^^
Honored to be honored - These are the best guys out there.
HAHA i am not responsible for anything
You are irresponsible bro ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
OMG Levi you really dont know when you are unimportant anymore, this is you last cry for comeback
Moj glas dajem Magnusu! ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
banko i neki nejaci ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
Najgori ste :-D o/
Vazda bili
Viva Green Barets
EVokasi, you are not important here, why you interfere,anyway? Shiro, it is
nothing to say about me. And a lot to review about you. Peaky, where is Agoria, I miss your *don t you think so my brother?* [like Rodni and Delboy]
Ancestral 10/10
@Evokasi, jel to plovis camcem sam po tisi? ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
Long live GB
for pravoslavlje ahahha ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
looking for BERSERK SOLDIERS+WORKERS ,👉 69 q4 helise (equivalent with 61 q5 helsie)👈 per 2X work a day as long as there is country with 100% bonus on weapon. LIMITED SLOT detail via PM o.o7
Пловим брате јашта да пловим :Д
Looks like a good Team
Ekipa koja je unistila Japan i Srbiju, a tako ce i Iran proci svakako. Ekipa koja je navukla postene igrace ssf-a da napuste igru , a oni ostali da igraju i dalje. Ekipa koja je ispljuvala sve redom i svuda guzicom vrata zatvorila.Ekipa koja je muljala od samoga pocetka igre, i na kraju kad su kaznjeni za muljanje, onda plakanje. Ekipa koja je unistila najjaci nalog u Srbiji (BATASHA)samo da bi mogli da kradu .Ekipa nakon cijeg odlaska je Srbija zemlja u kojoj nema podjela. Ukratko ekipa zvana JANJICARI .o/
Sina majci iz narucja
oteo je Alexandar
sada kune svoju sudbu
sto je janicar
Natasha je zapravo ogorcena na nas jer kad su Turci i ostali musliji dosli po harac kod njega u dom, oteli su mu bradavicu jer su mislili da je tiganj
nalog BATASHA je banovan jer je najjaci muljator u srbiji bio, a sto se tice naloga B A T A S H A ocit primjer da administratori ove igre dozvoljavaju kupovinu/prodaju naloga ako dovoljno duboko udjete u njihovu .... ocu reci srce ![Wink](/public/game/smilies/5.gif)
Javlja se NATASHA ( inace u igri poznat kao BATASHA) lik koji na pocetku igrice odma u startu napada Bosnu jer mu ponos ne dozvoljava lagan put preko CG do Italije i onda Albaniju 2 rata pravi glumi MoFU koji nikada nista nije uradio samo je pricao WE WILL HELP YOU ;-) svim redom. Dozivotni MoFA Srbije bez ikakvog iskustva na tom polju, zasto ga stranic vole? Jer prica ono gore sta sam vec rekao i bio je tenk i sam mogao da doprinese takav dmg i naravno da ce da ga vole? Veliki deo stranih drzavljana ukljucujuci najvece stratege Turske zajednice kao i Carapicho su rekli da BATASHA nikada nista nije uradio ikada tj niko nikada nije cuo ista da je on uradio. Postavsi military commander u GAME inc savezu ( valjda to postao) Carapicho izjavljuje da nikada nije video da je bilo sta NATASHA predlozio ili uradio.
Lik koji je posle gubitka na izborima od strane Goveda poceo MASOVNO DA PLACE ( TEARS OF NATASHA) u savezu je trazio da se ne UDARA TADA U APULIJU jer je vlast u Srbiji losa i jer je izasla iz saveza. Tada sam svima pricao da me boli uvo za Srpsku Apuliju ali ako je izgubimo svi ce da izgube, tada su mi se pored iste ove Natalije smejali i FYROMani koji su dominirali nad Grcima koji su ustali tada ( info od ktaba)jer su cekali Francuze,a kada su Francuzi uzeli Apuliju onda su ti isti FYROMani trzali po NAP. BATASHA nikada nista korisno nije uradio,nikada nista pametno nije uradio.Kaze sredili ti ban i da jesmo to je sam dokaz da nisi sposoban ni nalog da prodas.Oterali odbre igrace iz SSFa,a ti igrac bez casti si znao da saljes poruke pojedincima da dodju kod tebe u MU,eto koliko si nisko pao.Mi smo znali da dokazemo da je Srbija sila i lupali vratim mnogima, ali takav stav nas je u TRS i doveo do vrhunca jer to sto ti ne znas nista o diplomatiji i strategiji ne znaci da i drugi ne znaju,ali prosto ti to ne mozes da razumes.Malopre se nesto pricalo o tome da li cemo ikada udarati protiv Srb, reko sam ne, ali sada O DA HOCU.
PS: ne kaze se janjicar nego janicar
Najjace kad natasha proziva nekog, lik koji je svojim akcijama u proslosti ukanalio Srbiju do balcaka,sto rece jedan pametan covek: Batasha is completely useless
DD Mortarion has spoken.
@all Djeco, igrajte se lijepo!
ja sam zao janicar islamske veroispovesti, koji mrzi srbe i srpstvo, i lecim svoje antisrpske globalisticke proevropske komplexe svojim postupcima preko ove igrice buhahahbuahaha
Za Natalinu jos neki dodatak: Tesko im bilo za vreme Govedove vladavine u Srbiji da provale poteze da zelimo preko tada neprijateljske Rumunije da izbijemo na sever i tu mirujemo jer su Turci krenuli preko Ukrajine, tada ni CRO ni HUN nisu provalili sta se sprema, ocigledn je tada bilo da Turci zele osvetu ali nast strucan HQ tim tj MC team predvodjem tvojom malenkoscu nije NISTA PROVALIO niti PREDUZEO da se to spreci, tada je vama glavni cilj bio KAKO DA OBRISETE RUMUNIJU. I da imao se dogovor sa Rumunima, receno im je da Srbija samo zeli da izbije gore nismo rekli zasto i rekli smo da necemo da pipamo ostale regije, ali za ostale nismo nista pricali jer Srbija je tada napustila savez. Ti si ostao u savezu jer imas komplekse nize vrednosti cim izgubis jednu titulu boris se da zadrzis drugu titulu. Ocajan si bio i nista nisi znao cak je i HQ iznavio da kapira da ne volis vlast u Srbiji ali da pravis lose poteze. Posle si licno ti pravio plan sa ostalima kako da se obrise Srbija i kako da se podele regije Srbije. Govedo sa vlascu je ispao kriv, posle par meseci 90% ljudi koji nas je pljuvalo otvorili su oci i tek tada skapirali o cemu je bio pravi plan Goveda tada, ti Boga mi i dalje gledas na jedno oko jer ipak ti je omiljeni smajli ;-) .
Phantu ne treba niko ni da dira, taj isti phanta kada si ti bio na vlasti je izasao iz SAVEZA kada ste vi napustili savez i rekao je da nece biti u HQ saveza iz kog je Srbija otisla, dok ti posle naseg izlaska iz saveza si OSTAO I JOS RADIO PROTIV SRBIJE ( to je veci janicar od ovog sto sam ja). BornaX koji je tada bio SG saveza dosao i kaze nismo udarali u Apuliji jer je tako BATASHA rekao. BornaX zivi dokaz a imam ih i jos par pojedinaca koji mogu da dokazu. Slep si bio tada i sada si, gubis velikog saveznika ispred nosa, a prstom nisi mrdno da se raspitas o tome, znam 100x vise od tebe sta ce da se desi i sta vam se sprema. USA kampanja uveli ste Bosnu i umesto da stanete sada ce Bosna da ispasta zbog tvoga sto ti ne gledas...
Covek stariji od mene, al zato pamet Boga mi nije. Najlakse da krivis druge da si izgubio saveznike, iskreno i ne zalim za mnoge sto su izgubljeni, ali ti nikada nisi ni znao da se BORIS da ih sacuvas kao opozicija, pa sato ni na onoj igrici nikada nisi nista uspeo, jer si smesan !!! Vidi se da ti trnko drugar...
Pitanje sta ces da radis kada ostanete samo Bosanci i vi u savezu ? Valjda si kolko tolko za 2 meseca upucen sta i kako se radi na globalnoj svetskoj sceni...
Your pictures suck
@Carici, You swallow ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
u deserve vote!!!
Овај на броју 16 је уништио Србију
Bogami i ovaj na 17 :/