Опубліковано в державі Croatia - Перші кроки в eRevollution - 26 Feb 2017 02:23 - 14

AREA 51 | Feb 26, 2017. | day 413 | no 39
Dear readers,
today I present you new event called "Naval adventure" that is held daily and counted in hits. Intentions of admins were probably to increase spending of ships rather then helis.

You need 50 hits for each level (or 5 times clicking on fight button spending total 500 energy) so it's total 3000 energy every day to solve this event completely. Prizes are: 20 XP, 50q3 ships, 5 workers, 50q5 ships, 2q3 LK and 15 workers.

by Ahileus

BardThatBushBardThatBushBardThatBushBardThatBushG 4 M p3trOs V E RCao bok zdravoEl ProfesorCacique NaiguataYasharDarkSeidКоментарі (14)

no first xD

15 workers? where is the intelligence?

f**k this s**t

samo nam trebaju bitke svaki dan




S 400 ... 2.5 G plz