Опубліковано в державі Lithuania - Політичні дебати та аналіз - 06 Mar 2017 22:05 - 7

Hello everyone.
A new presidential term starts and through this article I would like to present for the world community the Lithuanian government of this month and its goals.
Grand Duke (President): Walen
Interior Councillor and Hand of the Duke (Prime Minister): carmelo15
Minister of Defence (MoD): Dehringrx
Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA): Yack
Master of Coins and Finances Chief (MoF): GODLAIKAS

Since a long time I have been in the lead of the foreign affairs policy of the country, however since I umed Ministry of Defence in last month Yack have succeeded me in this position and looking for a more flexible diplomacy he will keep on the lead of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs this month. Our Minister of Foreign Affairs speak fluent English, Lithuanian, French and a little of Spanish. Any diplomatic issue may be firstly directed to him. Our diplomacy will be open for new ties, developing new friendships and arranging military partners for TWs and region swaps, any country in any continent can now be a valuable friend since the implementation of coastal regions.
For direct contact with Lithuania please join our discord: https://discord.gg/HPG5u
For Lithuanians looking for politics and diplomatic experience through an Emby you can submit your request and country to Yack.

I have been in touch with Xerta about all the projects and ideas he developed in his government. My start goals are to keep all of them and I hope I can do it with my team. GODLAIKAS will be the responsible for our finances and so regarding the LTL for training grounds you shall directly contact him. Carmelo is my hand and bridge between the presidency and the country in general, if you have any question, idea or complaint please direct it to him. I also would like to highlight the importance to have most people as possible in our discord for future military coordination and also direct contact with our people. Please, if you still not in, come here and request the Lietuvis title for private channels: https://discord.gg/HPG5u

Grand Duke Walen.

bibunskisZhalias WelniasКоментарі (7)


Walen is baaack! 




Good Luck my Friend!