Опубліковано в державі Romania - Соціальна взаємодія та розваги - 31 May 2017 00:29 - 117
Simple protest against the NEW UPDATE for VISA players!
#NoToGoldPack !!!
Vote and say #NoToNewUPDATE if you agree its a SHIT UPDATE!
Why say NO to this UPDATE? Because this will happen:
1. More unwanted unbalance between VISA players and usual players because of the 20% more dmg done.
2. More unwanted unbalance between VISA players and usual players because of the 60sec less need for energy recharge.
3. More unbalance because small countries will get a bigger gap between them and big countries.
4. More players will LEAVE the game.
5. And you can add here even more unbalance due to players leaving for other games!
QUESTION to ADMINS: Do you guys have so low pockets that want to get them even lower by making your players leave your game for other games?
PS: BTW dear admins f.r.e.e.d.o.m of speech is ACTIVE!
#NoToGoldPack !!!
Vote and say #NoToNewUPDATE if you agree its a SHIT UPDATE!
Why say NO to this UPDATE? Because this will happen:
1. More unwanted unbalance between VISA players and usual players because of the 20% more dmg done.
2. More unwanted unbalance between VISA players and usual players because of the 60sec less need for energy recharge.
3. More unbalance because small countries will get a bigger gap between them and big countries.
4. More players will LEAVE the game.
5. And you can add here even more unbalance due to players leaving for other games!
QUESTION to ADMINS: Do you guys have so low pockets that want to get them even lower by making your players leave your game for other games?
PS: BTW dear admins f.r.e.e.d.o.m of speech is ACTIVE!
TyraelCrepHuguesG 4 M p3trOs V E RSrLukG33K33Kant Step In Ze Rap InKant Step In Ze Rap InKant Step In Ze Rap Ininevist3purplerainD DRAPERBattal GaziMakeMoreLoveMakeMoreLoveAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaAncutaGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleGigiPresedinteleКоментарі (117)



at least they should make it cheaper, same with the gold. Greedy as hell

Too much gold needed for everything ! we need new FREE content

no vote no sub, support




gold pack should be available only for € this sh*t with gold will give you all chance to buy it


hey, is just a business. let them win the pot









lol cry more man XD


visa has spoken











#NoToNewUPDATE + No to Q5 workout


Stupid updates, many player will leave the game even who payed for packs so far. Make packs cheaper and noone will leave.


Cry Admins No Money 



Well, for the time being eRev is not pay to win. We have seen worse and I totally understand that a game needs a source of money to survive orelse we would be playing on sh!@#@!tty servers, lagging all the time and having people crying they didn t make it to hit T1 to win a battle or a BH.
If they limit themselves to just that pack im totally ok, if they start adding new packs every month then im against it. 





I like this update.. And I am not wisa player..






im no visa player and ill buy pack 








Juego del orto





Asmin, I love you



niech płacą

#NoToGoldPack !!!

you are all poor beaches 



i have enough money for this sh*t but i dont want it anyway , because game will lose players again



NotoQQplayer and update

Suggestion for Game Administrators : Mass Morale Damage Booster https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/27399 sub vote comment welcome


Our Drag Queen has finally hit the nail right on its head!
Down with new update!
YAsmin for Admin!

No workers no game


















I will not notice any change since I am 4 months in the game and still do not have sustainable economy nor any influence in battlefield! Wondering why am I playing this?!











#NoToGoldPack !!!