Опубліковано в державі Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Військова аналітика - 19 Feb 2016 09:08 - 30
After few weeks of unsuccessful resistances, we have managed to finally liberate a region. This would not be possible without our friends.
Hail Kami, Hail Inspection and others who helped us win this epic battle. The help will not ever be forgotten, even if now we are not in position to return it., one day we will be!
Great chat organization as well.
Respect for Kylo for the mive dmg he has done. o7

Hail Kami, Hail Inspection and others who helped us win this epic battle. The help will not ever be forgotten, even if now we are not in position to return it., one day we will be!
Great chat organization as well.
Respect for Kylo for the mive dmg he has done. o7
VitalicmegafaszomnemkellКоментарі (30)

http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/2774 - Finally a successful resistance

o7 hail kami hail inspection


if i ever decide to change country i will come to you just for your determination
but you must admit you are happier under greece rule i am a good dictator 

Nice fight congrats for the win.



Good fight o7 And welcome on map MKD o/

Kylo thank you for the endorsement but now i dont need GR, i need mkd for my workers

Hail Kami Hail Inspection Hail Allies o/ Kylo, it was enough of u, lets be free for a change 

vote o7


o7 hail kami hail inspection
ty for help

o7 Hail kami

you can be as free as you want when we make a nap 

Aaaa i dont think NAP is a option

Nice battle!!!

Good job guys.

Nice fight o7


Cestitam o/

voted .. nice reading an aftermath battle article which ends by mutual respects from both sides o7

mutual respects from both sides makes me sick, its like a gay wedding

nice fight

FYROM... Where many betrayers came from..

Nice battle o7

Is it only me or nobody "hails" Pentito xD
