Опубліковано в державі Greece - Соціальна взаємодія та розваги - 20 Jul 2017 02:16 - 32
This person is a SCAMMER.
On July 19th he sent me a message saying he had 3k q5 ships for sale, 48g per 1k.
I sent him 48g and waited for the delivery.
Later I looked at his profile and realised that he probably is a multi since he is not a member of any mu but it was too late.
I've sent off course a ticket to the admins and all that but I don't think they will return my gold in which case off course I will delete my account and give up the game because I came here to have fun and not to have my money STOLEN.
Too bad for Georgia to have a crook like that in their society even if he's not from Georgia. Still...
I have never done anything to anyone in here and I never had any problem with anyone so far regarding money.
I pity him and anyone else who steal money from others thinking they are clever when in reality, the only thing they show clearly is how STUPID they are, how problematic their families are and off course they are slaves of money and that they would do anything for money! They would sell out even their own mother for money!
They are a disgrace to the human kind since they show clearly they care more about money than people!!!
I feel sorry for their children if they ever have any because their father is a THIEF and off course a LIAR and a CHEAT who off course doesn't have a CLUE about morality to teach them how to be a decent human being!!!
Have a nice Summer everyone, drink lots of water for the heat and remember to smile!
This person is a SCAMMER.
On July 19th he sent me a message saying he had 3k q5 ships for sale, 48g per 1k.
I sent him 48g and waited for the delivery.
Later I looked at his profile and realised that he probably is a multi since he is not a member of any mu but it was too late.
I've sent off course a ticket to the admins and all that but I don't think they will return my gold in which case off course I will delete my account and give up the game because I came here to have fun and not to have my money STOLEN.
Too bad for Georgia to have a crook like that in their society even if he's not from Georgia. Still...
I have never done anything to anyone in here and I never had any problem with anyone so far regarding money.
I pity him and anyone else who steal money from others thinking they are clever when in reality, the only thing they show clearly is how STUPID they are, how problematic their families are and off course they are slaves of money and that they would do anything for money! They would sell out even their own mother for money!
They are a disgrace to the human kind since they show clearly they care more about money than people!!!
I feel sorry for their children if they ever have any because their father is a THIEF and off course a LIAR and a CHEAT who off course doesn't have a CLUE about morality to teach them how to be a decent human being!!!
Have a nice Summer everyone, drink lots of water for the heat and remember to smile!
MrSkr1kMrSkr1kMrSkr1kMrSkr1kMrSkr1kMrSkr1kMrSkr1kMrSkr1kMrSkr1kMrSkr1kkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgMrSkr1kMrSkr1kLoukatsosLoukatsosLoukatsosLoukatsosLoukatsosLoukatsosLoukatsosLoukatsosLoukatsosLoukatsosLoukatsosLoukatsosmiqelSoraNoel De Lilly NoirepaokpaokКоментарі (32)

yes bro
( he is scammer 

nw nw nw )

μαρκο ξεκολα ρε που θα πας, για ενα μαλακα κανεις ετσι, μεινε και θα τα φτιαξουμε ολα

Markos, put your multi paokban to work, to take over the loss.

Μάρκο τα χρυσά θα στα στείλει ο kromion. Θα χουν άλλη γλύκα...

Μάρκο γερά όλοι μαζί σου...


θα στα έστελνα εγω αλλά πιθανόν να στα αφαιρέσουν...

Όταν κάνουμε συναλλαγές μεταξύ μας και όχι από την αγορά ο κίνδυνος είναι υπαρκτος

your fault for not checking the profile first


I would never send gold to such profile... Choose the seller better next time.

are you 7 years old? you act like little baby.

in EVE Online if they do such a thing , they are smart..not a thief..not a scammer.. but simply smart... in this game they get banned, and thats how the chat market(which is kind of a blackmarket(sorry for being racist:v)) should be, if u want safe trades pay tax and use official country markets(says the guy who from time to time sells hellis in chat)

i agree

Agree with Maousama ^^

ra ginda top statiashi ki moixvedra tavi da 

Maousama +1

Maousama +1 -2
in legal market you pay tax to occupants like in usa you pay brazil,better it s option if your ip are Spain then U join it s country,yes they can use proxys,vpn e.c. but admins can see it.

Lel am not georgian xD

Idiot XDD

Same thing happened to one of the Iranian players and gov reimbursed it. I m sorry if there was any other victim, unfortunately we can t control everyone 

I though they marked people as scammers in this game. Why haven t the adm marked the little unsecure bitch yet?

black market is risky, so accept consequence

Καλά αυτός είναι όπως τον λες. Εσύ έτσι εύκολα στέλνεις 49g; Και κοιτάς το προφίλ του άλλου, αφού έχεις στείλει το χρήμα; Τι να πω ρε σεις...

next time before send gold ceck profile
and yes is a risk black market, admns sure will put scammer alert but you lost gold, but man continue to play 

low lv acc is always fishy

შეგვარცხვინა საერთაშორისო მაშტაბით 

sorry dude but his world rank is 9000,what did u tfink,in those case if player is lover then i am i demand him to send first

Always check profile before donate gold. Sad to say but this is your study price