Опубліковано в державі Serbia - Військова аналітика - 10 Jan 2018 11:48 - 22
Hello everyone,
After one great campaign from Serbia, followed with few great battles and ending with wiping Bulgaria both sides reached an agreement to sign a NAP under the following terms:
1. Bulgaria will regain all cores
2. Bulgaria will not send DoW to any of Nemesis-Atlas and vice versa.
3. Bulgaria will not fight in any serbian RWs (this does not include liberation of cores, of course)
4. Bulgaria will not give it's territories to Turkey as a route to serbian cores.
NAP will be valid for 2 months (until CP elections in March, 2018)
Personally for me, and i believe for all bulgarians, it was an honor to fight against such a great enemy.
Signed, CP of Bulgaria
Signed, CP of Serbia /Nilson, unofficially/
GARDOSHCacique PariaguanitsoNikola od SrbijeКоментарі (22)