Опубліковано в державі Iran - Військова аналітика - 24 Jan 2018 13:56 - 32
Fellow Allies and citizens of eworld ,
As Sc of The New Order i would like to give you some words from history about the ongoing wars and our approach towards them .
"I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the navals , we shall defend our countries, whatever the cost may be… we shall never surrender!
I don’t want to get any messages saying, ‘I am holding my position.’ We are not holding a goded thing. Let the Germans and nemesis do that. We are advancing constantly and we are not interested in holding onto anything, except the enemy’s ba**s. We are going to twist his ba**s and kick the living sh** out of them all of the time. Our basic plan of operation is to advance and to keep on advancing regardless of whether we have to go over, under, or through the enemy.
You may be thankful that one year from now when you are sitting on your bonuses with your citizens farming and they ask you what you did in the great World WarIII (i ume xd ) , you WON’T have to cough, shift him to the other knee and say, “Well, your Granddaddy shoveled sh**t in Louisiana.” No, Sir, you can look him straight in the eye and say, “Son, your Elite Citizen rode with the Great New Order Army ."
I have to thank You all for being such great allies , we will show them Our power again and again and will drink from their tears .
Hail One o7
Hail Two o7
Hail the new order o7
Bulletz4Breakfast , Sc of The New Order ( Jan 2018- day 745 )
As Sc of The New Order i would like to give you some words from history about the ongoing wars and our approach towards them .
"I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the navals , we shall defend our countries, whatever the cost may be… we shall never surrender!
I don’t want to get any messages saying, ‘I am holding my position.’ We are not holding a goded thing. Let the Germans and nemesis do that. We are advancing constantly and we are not interested in holding onto anything, except the enemy’s ba**s. We are going to twist his ba**s and kick the living sh** out of them all of the time. Our basic plan of operation is to advance and to keep on advancing regardless of whether we have to go over, under, or through the enemy.
You may be thankful that one year from now when you are sitting on your bonuses with your citizens farming and they ask you what you did in the great World WarIII (i ume xd ) , you WON’T have to cough, shift him to the other knee and say, “Well, your Granddaddy shoveled sh**t in Louisiana.” No, Sir, you can look him straight in the eye and say, “Son, your Elite Citizen rode with the Great New Order Army ."
I have to thank You all for being such great allies , we will show them Our power again and again and will drink from their tears .
Hail One o7
Hail Two o7
Hail the new order o7
Bulletz4Breakfast , Sc of The New Order ( Jan 2018- day 745 )

Schwayxtix13urningRebazartarezzizoRebazartarezzizolionelejiUltramagicno0bsailbotJoker Evil2pinglord sajjadprogabeszAlir3zaAce EconomistastapourRHINOahwazzThe VikingCoGaIranYasharCaptain Harlock8 paКоментарі (32)

Germans, WOW, we are famous


esi mi dobar?

Arane ja nez engleski al ti ai gori od mene 

Hail Iran hail Kylo Ren hail dark force hail ms

Hail TNO o7

Hail TNO o7

lol this article is the most cringe thing i have read for a while
you got 70% of the damage and you managed to do 0 after we started fighting back Literraly 0 croatia is under attack for days from all sides and still standing.Bulgaria got deleted meanwhile had to surrender.Also Naps are following one the other and do you know what was irans great contribution in this?Applying correct moderator pressure to acheive the ban of half indonesia the day they got free
Coincidence?Or just payback cause you are sore losers and you lost that RW.Do you know what i see in this new world order thing or VV part 4 you made?That you use Venezuala-Bulgaria-Hungary mostly so Iran-Canada-Denmark can chill out and overkill rws
I would say the same for Brazil-Romania and others but at least the other countrys there help each other
You just hide behind them to replenish the stocks you lost with indo so you can do 1 more 3-4 days campaign in next 2-3 months so you can say you did something.Pathetic.

Not enough sand in Iran ai? So you gona showell what on what beach, and why did you try to quote Winsotn C. if you have something that loks like Wolfsangel nazzi sybol inside your logo? XD

Sounds like Dawn of War, captain Something!

iranian english is worst than gurgian

اشک تو چشام حلقه زد

@Djurdjo English 101 : Iranian s , Worse* than .
@spurdo xD well i mentioned above it all that some words from history
@DrethGar xD cry more .

So... I understand. YOou will attack france?

jeasus guys read history books pls :|

Quotes aren t problem, what you wrote before that, nobody understand

Hail New Order o7

Random post about % of dmg and all that. Bottom line: no comic Sans, no vote.

@Ancestral damn i almost forgot it xD


Irans worst cp in history of erev... over and out...

fekr nakon ba in harfat mituni maro khaam koni... man hanuzam migam #na_be_mahvak

Khodaye man inghad bara bazi vaght nemizaram ke ino bekhonam
nakhonde vot 

Hail New order o7

This MDP 7.0 mentality hasn t changed one bit over the course of the years. It s boring, predictable and easy, an Ivory tower plagued by dust.


Sta je bre ovo?? U koji planet bre zivis?? Ma ne zezaj se. U stvari zezaj se. ILi ili zezaj koliko kod oces ili ne zezaj se dok oces, ili dok ti pukne guzica.
Dragi igraci,
Dragi posmatraci,
Dragi profiteri,
Dragi karakteri,
Dragi sekseri,
Od danas pocinje nova ERA
Od danas nova Armija je rodila
Od danas pocinje kraj jedne imperije
P.S. Prodajem paradajs za jelo:


drugs ?

It`s easy to talk how great you are when you don`t have a single searious country anywhere near your borders except Turkey which is always your aly. Try having 4-5 hostile and active countries on the neck all the time, you would be deleted constantly. Heck Turkey alone could delete Iran, you know that so you always follow them as puppies.

Prodajem kajmak 0.043/g

Vote. Good article.