Опубліковано в державі Estonia - Політичні дебати та аналіз - 18 Apr 2020 03:10 - 12

Hello Baltic citizens.
First of all I need you to fill this form: https://forms.gle/wn4TkMT6TCiAsePM7
Our government had a meeting this week and decided our priority must be sponsor our citizens to build more and more air companies. We will barely use any gold in this war, we need you to become huge producers, for that I made this form to collect information about our country production.

Agreement with France and Georgia
As you all noticed, we were gifted with the rare resource rubber. Only 4 regions in the world map has this resource, for this reason I gave up any intention to hold bonuses for our country, this would be impossible. Every single big country would target us and take it by force. For these reasons, I decided to rent the resource for one of the few countries that I really trust and never had any issue with them: France.
Some of you complained about the deal, but I think because didn´t understand it. In the article published by France it says 2/3 taxes return for baltic players. This is not ere*****k. In erev countries with occupied regions does not lose taxes. The taxes mentioned in the article are the ones you pay for producing in another country. It is extremely profitable to receive them back because it would be the same of producing in our own country. When you produce in Baltics you pay 1EEK tax for each company, but when you do that in other country you pay 3CC or even 4 depending on the country. Since we won´t hold bonuses anymore it´s not worth for you to produce in Baltics. So back to the French deal, for example if you use 300 FRF daily to produce in France, you would spend monthly a total of 9000 FRF (54G). With our deal France will return you 6000 FRF monthly, 36G profit in this example for each of our players. Got it? Apart from all this there is also the military help that France agreed to provide us, which is, in gold terms, incalculable.
To have the discount for producing in France you must send me screenshot of your production for only 2 days. Tomorrow and after tomorrow. With these screenshots I´ll calculate how much FRF you will spend weekly and ask it from the French government. The money will be reped weekly.
Note: if you build more companies and the producing tax get higher just send me new screenshot confirming it.
Georgia also contacted us for bonuses. They need 2 of our regions but it´s temporarily. We will rent to georgians Kesk-Eesti and Laane-Eesti for 1 monthly only. This was already agreed between me and RTD (Georgian CP), they will try take these resources in other place but till they get there will take lots of days, so they will rent it in Baltics temporarily. For those 2 regions Georgia will give us 2 Q5 DSs and reinstall our hospital in new capital: Louna-Eesti.
In resume, move Louna-Eesti (new capital) and do not fight against Georgia and France unless government give that order.

Bulgaria War
For now the war is going quite well and no major threat so far. We have been coordinating very well (thanks a lot for people active in discord!) and our allies have been a lot helpful, thanks friend! However the enemy shall not be underestimated at any moment, Bulgaria is a strong country and can maybe surprise us anyhow. The reasons for the war start is because we managed to liberate Belarus and Indonesia against them last month. Both countries were liberated sucessful by us, and Belarus with the help of Georgia.
We moved against Bulgaria because I tried contact with a lot of times and got ignored by their government in all tryings. Last year I tried like 3/4 times make agreements with bulgarians to let our Belarusians allies at least one region to be free, but they didn´t give even the happiness of their answer... Also in february this year I tried another contact and once again guess what? Ignored. Not even a single reply. So their MoFA said would have revenge for we liberating Belarus and Indonesia, that they would wipe us and . So here we are at war because Bulgarian government simple doesn´t communicate with other countries and if you fight against them they don´t understand why.

So that´s all folks, don´t forget to fill form, send me screenshot of your production in France for 2 days and fight for Baltics against Bulgaria.
Have a good weekend!
Join Baltic discord: https://discord.gg/v8tZnPJ

Kame SenninMiltiadosBunnyLiuLimioDark WolfHunterXHunterXHunterXPlayer39144PinxxelPapaFarhadEsReady too D1eNoJobIgorGregorIgorGregorIgorGregorIgorGregorIgorGregorIgorGregorIgorGregorIgorGregorIgorGregorIgorGregorIgorGregorIgorGregorIgorGregorIgorGregorIgorGregorPony of Darknessady71Juan05OktienneEl NoobieMister NoamberAriel AsherКоментарі (12)

You dont get gold for rent ? What a cheap deal ! Tax return is natural when you are renting a region.

Allied countries get cheap deals 

Hail Baltics o7

Incredibile !



poor pussy cats always talk poor stories ... i see in the battle against us: Italia, Serbia FYROM, Greece, Spain, Romania, YOUR POOR COUNTRY, but not and Georgia.. we have only one strong battle vs Georgia https://www.erevollution.com/en/battlefield/50734/1 to say: hey friends, we are here , we are alive, we are allies - not enemies. the last year we got 3 time NAP just how you said: 1 region to Belarus .. but they start fighting hart against us and take more and more .. and sometimes DoW vs us .... the CP of Belarus send me kids msg : Fack you.. other: hahaha 8=========D .... he send me that msg after successful RW any time i close my eyes when you msg me: please, give them another chance .... im tired from your lies and child stories....

Are u mad because your country cant even touch our cores? 

Fun fact: the poor country reduced bulgaria from 30 regions to 15. Go fight, unorganised, disrespectful and wordless country, we are all waiting to see when you even conquer one of our regions, as kapitana said u will delete us, till now looks like it’s us who will delete you

Fun Fact: walen was once time good person, one that you can relay on, when he asked to help against gurgians we did it immidiatelly, his soldiers were f**ed dosen times from his so called aliance friends and again he is returning to this so called ally friends. From baltic union and 80% on everything , baltic union became everything except union.

1. It was you who got mad because baltics fought your iranian allies who occupied our baltic lands withour our consense.
2. You became a troll in this game who just want to know about destroying your shit old enemies like there is nothing else to do here. You think and act with a small brain peaky.
3. Georgian war was supposed to end way earlier with agrements but it didnt because we rejected to keep draining Georgia for hungary, even against our interests in maintaining war since we were totally empty. You knew it? No because as I said in point 2 you are just trolling around and acting like a retard guy.