Опубліковано в державі France - Соціальна взаємодія та розваги - 16 Oct 2020 18:02 - 8
As you probably know, the relationship between France and Serbia is not what it used to be. Previously France and Serbia used to be good allies. But now they could be considered enemies. :(
As I already reported few months ago, Serbia tried to steal rubber from France and eventually they did it. Since then, Serbians have been fighting very hard in RWs against France. That raises the question, what really happened? Why are old allies and friends suddenly enemies? Well, the answer might shock you all! Here is what really happened...
Some months ago former allies France and Serbia had some military exercises together. After hard day of training and military drills the French guys were chilling and drinking some beer outside of their military tents, when 3 Serbian soldiers walked by them:

French Army veteran Carnax (right) immediately noticed one of the Serbian guys, but his military partner Lo0pinG (left) tried to warn him...

It turned out to be (the current president of Serbia) steppenwolf, who is also called ´Scottie´ (his nickname):

steppenwolf was instantly impressed by the masculine charisma of Carnax:

Despite Lo0pinG s warnings, Carnax wanted to get to know steppenwolf better, so...

After that, Carnax showed his masculine dominance like a real alpha!

After that, the relationship between France and Serbia was never the same. :(
I hope we could get our relationship back to what it was. After all, France is a nice country with nice girls.

French girl.

French girl.

French girl.

French girls.

French girl.

French girl.
PS. Guys (especially steppenwolf), dont take this seriously, I have absolutely nothing against steppenwolf or Serbia, this is just a stupid article for entertainment.
As I already reported few months ago, Serbia tried to steal rubber from France and eventually they did it. Since then, Serbians have been fighting very hard in RWs against France. That raises the question, what really happened? Why are old allies and friends suddenly enemies? Well, the answer might shock you all! Here is what really happened...
Some months ago former allies France and Serbia had some military exercises together. After hard day of training and military drills the French guys were chilling and drinking some beer outside of their military tents, when 3 Serbian soldiers walked by them:

French Army veteran Carnax (right) immediately noticed one of the Serbian guys, but his military partner Lo0pinG (left) tried to warn him...

It turned out to be (the current president of Serbia) steppenwolf, who is also called ´Scottie´ (his nickname):

steppenwolf was instantly impressed by the masculine charisma of Carnax:

Despite Lo0pinG s warnings, Carnax wanted to get to know steppenwolf better, so...

After that, Carnax showed his masculine dominance like a real alpha!

After that, the relationship between France and Serbia was never the same. :(
I hope we could get our relationship back to what it was. After all, France is a nice country with nice girls.

French girl.

French girl.

French girl.

French girls.

French girl.

French girl.
PS. Guys (especially steppenwolf), dont take this seriously, I have absolutely nothing against steppenwolf or Serbia, this is just a stupid article for entertainment.
PeakyPony of DarknessCarnaxioc_2Ek ChuahEk ChuahEk ChuahEk ChuahkorchabonN e r o b aDrogonBastianJerkBombero1976Bombero1976Bombero1976Bombero1976Bombero1976Bombero1976Lo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGLo0pinGMr IndigohawkouliscertacitocertacitocertacitocertacitocertacitoAZAZELbarcelona oleeeКоментарі (8)

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the first part is disgusting, but you got away with the second 

Lol thanks Torpedjo
Yeah the first part is quite `masculine` stuff, like often in Alpha Male News... 🤔

As a very masculine guy, I need to discover who are the blonde twinkie in that movie. Just for masculine research purposes, of course!

I m so sorry, i just wanted to see the serbian s testoterone 

Next time i will listen Looping

@Pony of Darkness haha I understand!
I also have to do some masculine research sometimes, but only for these masculine articles, of course!

@Carnax you should already know that as a high-testosterone, masculine and dominant French alpha everybody else will feel like low-testosterone (and high estrogen), little bit feminine and submissive men! I think we can t send you to future military trainings with other allied countries, just in case...