Опубліковано в державі Germany - Військова аналітика - 08 Mar 2022 00:19 - 6
I said in my previous article that this will be my last article.
Some days ago a few people (boys, girls or other i really don't know) took over Portugal
and attacked Morocco without any message or warning.
After some battles and getting drained they left Portugal , moved to Eastern Pakistan (aka India)
and started a new war from there.
Our war with Portugal is over !
After that West Germany (aka France) declared war to Morocco because
they don't have grain to make some cake and wanted some fruits instead.
Also our brothers from Serbia declared a war to us but since they couldn't attack
to our region i attacked in a random region just to block for a while any attack.
But i don't have any intention to fight against Serbia.
They can just ask for regions and they can take them without any resistance.
With great help from players around the erev world , we made those people who took over Portugal
to move to Eastern Pakistan.
Before that with the help mostly from Croatia we made West Germany leave Morocco.
Now both Eastern Pakistan and and West Germany thinks that they will get some revenge
but the truth is that they will get drained more !
Personally i won't make any more "Look at them" articles since they couldn't
understand that they could get anything from Morocco with just one message.
All i wanted and want is 1 free region and a message before the DoW.
West Germany and Eastern Pakistan
Happy #DrainMonth
aka El Tarlo
Loving PabloBunnyLiuPony of DarknessViGoexetlaiosexetlaiosКоментарі (6)


Serbia couldnt attack Morocco because India and France attacked Morocco s only two coastal regions and Serbia doesnt share a border so they couldn t attack Morocco s land region.

Exactly Clorofilla

Do not claim so much
You took full possession of the orange once and asked for help after all the players
I have to tell you this, you must leave Morocco soon😊✌️

Sad that this is the last article :-( But voted anyway, happy Drain Month to everyone!

Dear friend
I do not remember answering in the reciprocal war.
I have taken all the grounds and gone to reach another policy.
You did not win the war with the friends whose power you bought.
You only used the inter-political break.
I can still take the areas alone and without the help of others, but to no avail.
Good luck elsewhere