Опубліковано в державі Greece - Військова аналітика - 20 Mar 2023 05:20 - 16
What the is that?
The supposed FAIR GAME permits to more players (bots) having the SAME NIC NAME?!?!
The supposed FAIR GAME permits to more players (bots) having the SAME NIC NAME?!?!
Kame SenninGoDFaTHeRGoDFaTHeRTsiggerTsiggerTsiggerBunnyLiuL E G I O NViGokaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgkaampgКоментарі (16)

SAME NAME bug! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/38816

Clever way for chickens to hide

All MULTIS !!!!

OMG?! ban them

It is not the first time they are allowed to bend the rules. I guess there are rules for everybody else except them in the game.

ALL the PANZERS are multis

Make sense. Who else would like to be hidden? Normal players try to be differentiated from the others.

tsiger, you started using N I K E account also, so we should add it to your list, no point reporting your accounts, admin is changing rules for you, even in erev2, how much exactly you are spending here

Peric-Shame on U🤣🤣🤣🤣


And still they lose! All of them donnot match tsigger... that why the pain!

nah, we are making him and his tsunami and myrmadons to shoot more, we dont have anything to gain, except to make him spend more and more and moreeeeeeeeee

@PANZER 1-2-3-4-5-...... etc your problem is that you speed more! its stupit because you do that and you are again second! all the other players in this game knows it! if you dont see it thats your problem not ours!

Are all of these multies?

@Navis, its PANZER lllII , not 1,2,3,4,5

@Panzer ... is PANZER and the multies One!