Опубліковано в державі France - Соціальна взаємодія та розваги - 12 Apr 2016 11:43 - 17
Unimaginative draftsman of maps kills me softly, especially one who always set on the map Croatia and Serbia one to one togheter. To make matters worse, he was made the same with the Hungarians and Romanians, Turks and Bulgarians, Greeks ... etc. The only thing I can understand is why Japan is far away. This is because of the balance of the game.
When the leaders of my natural community, decided to leave the former alliance and join is to strong neighbor, ie. Union country of the rising sun, I'm not that decision greeted with joy. A little I mumbled against it, but as an individual uninterested in politics in this game, only logical move it was to get out.
So I freed myself and my homeland unnecessary bickering "what would happen if will happen." Even in one moment of weakness, i've been inclined to some kind of bilateral agreement, but the presence of distant east wind make that was not possible.
Understandable to me was the decision of the Croatian leadership. The circumstances leading up to this decision (the war with Hungary, Poland activity in it, the Swedish damage, unsustainable ultimatum to Serbia and after that give up from it, little before that departure of Ukraine) and unconditioned mechanisms of game, Croatia would be eventually left under attack more powerful neighbors. From the former alliance, realistic, could not expect sufficient military help.
But as I wrote, it was not acceptable for me.
Although my sympathies were always on the side of France, from the ancient times and from other virtual universes, France was not my first choice. How Marlock constantly emphasizes, I do not speak English well enough, and besides que est-ce que ce est and comme ci comme ça I do not know anything about french language. I sent the application for CS to the United States.
Image is from my youth, so not in color
Fortunately or unfortunately, they have procedure for approval CS, and I had no idea about that. Because, i not want to waiting too long, on the way to New York, I stopped to Paris.
Once you experience the charm of this metropolis, when you understand the relationship of prejudices and hospitality, when a peek to cancan in a cabaret, when drink a coffee in Cafe de Flore, somewhere for an aperitif drink Pastis, and for digestif Armagnac, you lose the desire to continue traveling.
Now I am well accepted by the French and with joy (except wars against my original homeland) inflict little damage to Aliance of the rising sun. Once when i grow up in a real tank, maybe increase my damage at all.
At the end I have to reveal a secret or maybe two. I have terribly fear of trolls, and a phenomenon of arrogance blow away my mind.
But what we shall, no one is perfect...
Sincerely yours
Ubija me nemaštovitost crtača geografske karte, koji uvijek postave na mapu Hrvatsku i Srbiju jednu pored druge. Da stvar bude gora naprave to isto i sa Mađarima i Rumunjima, Turcima i, Bugarima, Grcima… itd. Jedino mi je jasno zašto je Japan tamo daleko. To je radi balansa igre.
Kada su vođe moje prirodne zajednice, odlučile napustiti bivši savez i priključiti se jakom susjedu, tj. Uniji država izlazećeg sunca nisam tu odluku dočekao sa radošću. Nešto malo sam mumljao protiv toga, ali kao pojedinac nezainteresiran za politiku u ovoj igri, jedino je bilo logično da se maknem. Time sam oslobodio i sebe i moju domovinu nepotrebnih prepucavanja „što bi bilo kad bi bilo“.
Čak sam u jednom trenutku slabosti čak i bio sklon nekakvoj bilaterali, ali uz prisutnost dalekih istočnjaka to nije bilo moguće.
Razumljiva mi je ta odluka hrvatskog vodstva. Okolnosti koje su dovele do nje (rat sa Mađarskom, Poljska aktivnost u njemu, švedska šteta, neodrživi ultimatum Srbiji i još gore štanje, odlazak Ukrajine) i nedorađeni mehanizmi igre Hrvatsku bi kad-tad ostavile na udaru mnogo jačih susjeda.
A realno od tadašnjeg saveza i nije se mogla očekivati dovoljna vojna pomoć.
Ali kao što napisah, meni nije bila prihvatljiva.
Iako su moje simpatije uvijek bile na strani Francuske, još iz pradavnih vremena i iz drugog virtualnog univerzuma, Francuska nije bila moj prvi izbor. Kako Marlock stalno naglašava, ja ni engleski ne znam dovoljno dobro, a osim que est-ce que ce est i comme ci comme ça francuski ne znam ništa. Poslao sam prijavnicu u Ameriku. Srećom ili nesrećom tamo je postojala procedura odobravanja CS-a koje ja nisam bio svjestan i ne želeći predugo čekati, putem prema New Yorku skrenuo sam u Pariz.
Kada jednom osjetite šarm tog velegrada, shvatite odnos njegovih predrasuda i gostoprimstva, bacite pogled na cancan u nekom kabareu, popijete kavu u Cafe de Flore, negdje za aperitiv pastis, a za digestiv armagnac i izgubite želju za daljnjim putovanjima.
Sada sam lijepo prihvaćen francuski gost i sa radošću (izuzev ratova moje izvorne domovine) nanosim malenu štetu Savezu izlazećeg sunca. Jednom kad narastem u pravog tenka možda se i šteta poveća.
Za kraj moram otkriti jednu tajnu ili možda dvije. Užasno se bojim trolova, a pojava bahatosti mi oduzme pamet.
Ali što možemo, nitko nije savršen…
Srdačno Vaš
When the leaders of my natural community, decided to leave the former alliance and join is to strong neighbor, ie. Union country of the rising sun, I'm not that decision greeted with joy. A little I mumbled against it, but as an individual uninterested in politics in this game, only logical move it was to get out.
So I freed myself and my homeland unnecessary bickering "what would happen if will happen." Even in one moment of weakness, i've been inclined to some kind of bilateral agreement, but the presence of distant east wind make that was not possible.
Understandable to me was the decision of the Croatian leadership. The circumstances leading up to this decision (the war with Hungary, Poland activity in it, the Swedish damage, unsustainable ultimatum to Serbia and after that give up from it, little before that departure of Ukraine) and unconditioned mechanisms of game, Croatia would be eventually left under attack more powerful neighbors. From the former alliance, realistic, could not expect sufficient military help.
But as I wrote, it was not acceptable for me.
Although my sympathies were always on the side of France, from the ancient times and from other virtual universes, France was not my first choice. How Marlock constantly emphasizes, I do not speak English well enough, and besides que est-ce que ce est and comme ci comme ça I do not know anything about french language. I sent the application for CS to the United States.

Image is from my youth, so not in color
Fortunately or unfortunately, they have procedure for approval CS, and I had no idea about that. Because, i not want to waiting too long, on the way to New York, I stopped to Paris.
Once you experience the charm of this metropolis, when you understand the relationship of prejudices and hospitality, when a peek to cancan in a cabaret, when drink a coffee in Cafe de Flore, somewhere for an aperitif drink Pastis, and for digestif Armagnac, you lose the desire to continue traveling.
Now I am well accepted by the French and with joy (except wars against my original homeland) inflict little damage to Aliance of the rising sun. Once when i grow up in a real tank, maybe increase my damage at all.
At the end I have to reveal a secret or maybe two. I have terribly fear of trolls, and a phenomenon of arrogance blow away my mind.
But what we shall, no one is perfect...
Sincerely yours
Ubija me nemaštovitost crtača geografske karte, koji uvijek postave na mapu Hrvatsku i Srbiju jednu pored druge. Da stvar bude gora naprave to isto i sa Mađarima i Rumunjima, Turcima i, Bugarima, Grcima… itd. Jedino mi je jasno zašto je Japan tamo daleko. To je radi balansa igre.
Kada su vođe moje prirodne zajednice, odlučile napustiti bivši savez i priključiti se jakom susjedu, tj. Uniji država izlazećeg sunca nisam tu odluku dočekao sa radošću. Nešto malo sam mumljao protiv toga, ali kao pojedinac nezainteresiran za politiku u ovoj igri, jedino je bilo logično da se maknem. Time sam oslobodio i sebe i moju domovinu nepotrebnih prepucavanja „što bi bilo kad bi bilo“.
Čak sam u jednom trenutku slabosti čak i bio sklon nekakvoj bilaterali, ali uz prisutnost dalekih istočnjaka to nije bilo moguće.
Razumljiva mi je ta odluka hrvatskog vodstva. Okolnosti koje su dovele do nje (rat sa Mađarskom, Poljska aktivnost u njemu, švedska šteta, neodrživi ultimatum Srbiji i još gore štanje, odlazak Ukrajine) i nedorađeni mehanizmi igre Hrvatsku bi kad-tad ostavile na udaru mnogo jačih susjeda.
A realno od tadašnjeg saveza i nije se mogla očekivati dovoljna vojna pomoć.
Ali kao što napisah, meni nije bila prihvatljiva.
Iako su moje simpatije uvijek bile na strani Francuske, još iz pradavnih vremena i iz drugog virtualnog univerzuma, Francuska nije bila moj prvi izbor. Kako Marlock stalno naglašava, ja ni engleski ne znam dovoljno dobro, a osim que est-ce que ce est i comme ci comme ça francuski ne znam ništa. Poslao sam prijavnicu u Ameriku. Srećom ili nesrećom tamo je postojala procedura odobravanja CS-a koje ja nisam bio svjestan i ne želeći predugo čekati, putem prema New Yorku skrenuo sam u Pariz.
Kada jednom osjetite šarm tog velegrada, shvatite odnos njegovih predrasuda i gostoprimstva, bacite pogled na cancan u nekom kabareu, popijete kavu u Cafe de Flore, negdje za aperitiv pastis, a za digestiv armagnac i izgubite želju za daljnjim putovanjima.
Sada sam lijepo prihvaćen francuski gost i sa radošću (izuzev ratova moje izvorne domovine) nanosim malenu štetu Savezu izlazećeg sunca. Jednom kad narastem u pravog tenka možda se i šteta poveća.
Za kraj moram otkriti jednu tajnu ili možda dvije. Užasno se bojim trolova, a pojava bahatosti mi oduzme pamet.
Ali što možemo, nitko nije savršen…
Srdačno Vaš
MarlockDead SSF FAMILIJArobysurferMiltiadosКоментарі (17)

Argrob, na slici, druga s lijeve strane


Armagnac is my best friend 

Pastis ftw

Argrob, tko nas razdvoji proklet bio!

I know Argrob that why i am coming to Paris wanna see all that with my eyes,see ya soon there.o7

Argrob a gdje je tvoj mali otok sto ti e.r.e.p poklonio? 

Zasto ti francuz pises na Hrvatskom jeziku ? Pisi na francuskom jer nisi vise dio nase hrvatske zajednice..

Mnogo si opterecen i ne moras da se pravdas.Prvo nisi igrac,drugo nisi istinski Balkanac.
Bori se ti za kokoske i uzivaj,ma koliko ti to tesko bilo.



V+S You re completely one of us ♥

o7 Agrob you re a true french guy now ! Hope you will feel like home everywhere in our country (Including Japan/Serbia soon xD)

Argrob ♥
