Опубліковано в державі France - Соціальна взаємодія та розваги - 21 Apr 2016 17:33 - 37

I'm glad to announce you the creation of a new alliance, NEMESIS.
NEMESIS is the fruit of a long reflection.
The problem for us was to create an alliance who don't unbalance the world.
To be honest with you, it was an hard work.
We were at least 25 players thinking about the new alliance.
Her name, her goal, her ennemies, her members, etc ...
After two weeks, we finaly finished. And i think we have created the perfect alliance.

Finaly it was clear for us. It's impossible for France to do an alliance with an other country.
In fact if we do that, our alliance will be the most powerfull in the game.
As we are good players, we decided to do an alliance with ... us.

Bully who needs to be bullied.
We think NEMESIS is a revolution. It's not only an alliance, NEMESIS is a lifestyle.
When you wake up, you think NEMESIS. When you eat, you think NEMESIS, when you try to sleep, you think NEMESIS.

I am the spokesman of this council.
In fact, the members of the council of NEMESIS are anonymous.
This anonymity garantees the efficiency of NEMESIS, and of course her impartiality.
Like that, the council of NEMESIS rules the alliance.

vooztrollinFIFILLOU1ChocoPuteBattleHeroКоментарі (37)

what? lol

m3m3 XDDD

when you pooh you think NEMESIS.
Hmm so NEMESIS is my poo,because when i pooh i think how big is my poo :3

when i pooh i will think of nemesis
it is always a good idea

voted good luck my friends 

Sejfin is talking like dumbass ugly man 

First objective of Nemesis wype France

Read that as Memesis at first.. was expecting a Meme Alliance
I m a bit dissapointed now.

What a good idea Shy. :o

Good IDEA, thats me, I liked NEMESIS 

@Dorian Grey This is something diferent, something better o7


good luck friends o7

v + s

wait...what oO

Tes articles sont toujours aussi bons !

When you wake up, you think NEMESIS. When you eat, you think NEMESIS, when you try to sleep, you think NEMESIS. hahahahahha lool noobs!




xd new level in troll 

@a herceg: it works x)

Mais quel égo déplacé ;D Bon courage

there you have your vote good man

Richtofen esta wea no es spid cola xD


Ur very anonymous... -.-

gg wp

Fronk stronk ^S/^

You sell France teritory s?

hahahahaha Thug Life o7

Dafuq did I just read?

ahahahaha must admit that was fekin hillarious reading this..your dealer worth all his money to the last cent

It s impossible for France to do an alliance with an other country.
In fact if we do that, our alliance will be the most powerfull in the game.
ahahhahahhahahhhahahhaahhahhahahahahhahahah so funnehhhhhhhhhhh

That s not alliance, it s a kneejerk